8 | Alayna

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It had been about a couple of weeks, since Alayna had joined the MSG. And she was standing in front of Moon's office, trying to guess the password to get inside.

    "Moon, chips, ramen, food? Why did she decide to change the password now?" Alayna, frustrated, kicked the door, not surprised that it didn't work.

When suddenly Rose appeared behind her, causing Alayna to scream. "Dude, you've got to stop doing that! I almost peed myself."

"But it's fun." Rose laughed, "Also Moon wants us to come to the meeting room. I think we have a mission!"

    "Okay, maybe I can ask for the password." Alayna wondered, as they headed towards the meeting room.

    "I wouldn't hold my breath, Moon won't let anyone in her office, because she thinks no one knows, about her secret stash of food, hidden in the cabinet, above her desk." Rose held out some potato chips, and smirked. Alayna stole some, as she was starving, skipping lunch had not done her any favors.

As Rose and Alayna opened the door to the meeting room, they were greeted by Faye, TSPB, Eliza, Kyo, and Pleb. Moon was missing from her usual spot, at the top of the table. So Alayna and Eliza took their seats, while they waited for her to arrive.

Rose turned around and faced Alayna, "Do you know why, we were called here?"

Alayna shook her head, and Eliza answered for her, "I think it's for Jay."

"That dirty, no good, son of a-" TSPB snarled, before Moon interrupted.

"Hello everyone, I'm not sure what rumors of what this meeting was about, were said. But this meeting of MSG is for the capturing of Jay. He has been lying to Lunar, and we have to take care of him."

"Moon?" Kyo asked, "Who was Jay created by?"

"Jay was created by Eliza, from her story All I Want is You." Pleb stated, going through papers on the table.

Pleb passed the pages, to everyone at the table as they looked at Jay's history. Faye suddenly gasped, "It says here that he was only dating her to get rich!"

Everyone gathered around Pleb, checking the information. Moon coughed, getting everyone's attention. "Yes, Jay is a butthole. But anyway, I have come up with a strategy to get Jay."

Everyone sat down, in their designated seats. As Moon continued, "I need two lookouts, a getaway driver, and the rest will be ambushers. I sent you all your guy's positions, in an email."

Everyone's phones chimed in unison, with the position they would be in. Alayna looked at her phone, surprised to see, she was a lookout. She looked around, wondering what everyone else's positions were.

Faye looked up from the phone, "When will the mission be?"

Moon looked at them all, smiling, "Tonight."

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