CHAPTER 14: Your Staying

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I left him and let him decide where he can stay. If he wants to go to that house, then it's ok for me. I eventually slept on the couch from think about where he might be. The next morning, I went back to my room and to see someone sleeping on my bed. I used my tail to wake up whoever it was. "Stop, I'm trying to sleep." America?! He got up, "Hey Ruski~" I still hate that nickname but I sticked with it. "I thought....." "I just wanna stay here, it's really fun being here." I smiled from that, "Ok, I won't disturb you unless you miss breakfast." He laughed and got out of bed. He followed me to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

While I was making pancakes for him I also looked for Ukraine and Belarus. "Ummm.... Rus..... where are they?" He looked at me, "They at someone's house, they didn't give any details but that's all they said." Huh, that's surprising from that. I made pancakes for both of us and he liked how I made the pancakes. "So the bird is the one making it?" "Yup, and sometimes, some feathers are found in the pancakes." I laughed from it. Well he had a fight between one of the outlaws.((For this, outlaws are people or monsters that don't have the elements such as: dark, ice, etc.)) He was wearing his armor and saw me. I was going to be the only one in the house. "Umm.. If it's alright with you.... do you wanna fight with those guys with me?" He was rubbing his neck. "I want to, but I don't know how to fight them off." He put his hand on my shoulder, "Well you could ride one of the battle animals and make them fight for you." I know to ride so I agreed to that. He gave me some protection and a helmet, it won't make me hot inside and we went to the place.

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