CHAPTER 21:Taken Away

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I didn't remember what happened but I do remember from this. Russia and I was spending the night a bit late. We talked about what my father was going to do with me and Canada. "He might've brought you back home." I was drinking a little so I wasn't used to the wine. One thing led to another(( I can't right smut even though I know about because my parents won't approve of this but use your imagination for this time.)) We fell asleep after doing "it". Around the middle of the night, we heard crash. Both of us woke up and someone knocked out Russia. I went over to him and they put something on my face and I soon felt drowsy. I fell asleep. I woke up.... in my bed.... at my old house. I went down and saw my father smiling. "I'm so happy that you came back!" I pushed him, "What did you do Russia." I didn't answer and just kept talking about how much my mom and him missing me and Canada. "WHAT. DID. YOU. DO.TO. RUSSIA." He got mad and set me back to my room. I destroyed everything in my room and I was about to destroy a picture. I looked at it, it was my family. I broke it making where my dad was break. I didn't eat or even came down. I locked my doors. I cried on my bed. "Hey America." I looked and it was Kazakhstan, he turned into a Phoenix. "What happened to Russia?" "No time, I was given instructions, I need you to hurt yourself in your arms and leg. And once you arrive the hospital and everyone is gone, someone will arrive and bring you back, and ask Canada to stay with you." Then he flew and disappeared. I injury myself. I was malnourished and I made more cuts and I made a huge thud the door was unlocked and I collapsed and I heard footsteps running up.

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