chapter 5: coming up with a plan

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pen's pov

welp. bottle has died. at least she died happy knowing that we care about her. we leave the window, unable to handle looking at her anymore. i go over to tree, who i see has been crying. it's a shame. tree really cared about bottle, and to see her die like that must have been tough. i put my hand on his shoulder (objects don't even have shoulders svdhbdbebe) and try to comfort him. we sit behind the bush for who knows how long. tree finally feels well enough to get up, so we get up and join the rest of our teammates. we need to come up with a plan of where we're gonna go.

pillow's pov

bottle's death was really sad, so we need to come up with a plan to prevent more deaths, i mean we are death pact after all. i grab my notepad and a pen. "so where should we go?" i ask. "i don't really care, as long as we're somewhere safe, with plenty of food, water, and shelter" pie says. i jot down "food", "water", "shelter", and "safe". remote glances over at my notepad. "but pillow" she says. "you can't even write, how are we gonna remember our thoughts that you're jotting down if you can't even write that properly". i want to argue. i think i can write perfectly fine, even if my writing is not like other people's. "i will be able to remember. i can read this, i promise". that was a blatant lie. i can't really read my writing, but i just said that to prevent any further argument. "ooh, how about we go to gelatin's steakhouse?" pen suggests. "that way, we'll have food, water, and shelter. and hopefully gelatin will understand our situation and make our food free." "that's a good idea, i'm actually kinda hungry right now" i say.

tree's pov

i don't know how pillow can possibly be hungry right now after we just saw bottle being brutally murdered by our own teammate. i felt sick seeing bottle like that. i wanted to throw up. i didn't, thankfully, but i still feel a bit queasy. we start walking to gelatin's steakhouse, which isn't too far away, so i'll hopefully be able to manage. i start to get exhausted not long after starting our walk though. bottle's death must have really affected me. why did it have to be her to die, why couldn't it have been me. i want to tell someone that i am tired and don't know if i will be able to walk the rest of the way, but i decide not to because i don't want to be too much of a burden to the others. i sit down. i'm too tired to walk anymore. the others are going on without me, liy is probably gonna find me here and kill me.

pen's pov

we're currently walking to gelatin's steakhouse. i'm scared because of liy, but also excited to be at the steakhouse. something feels off to me, but i quickly dismiss it and walk along. suddenly, pillow screams "TREE'S GONE!!". i jump. my heart starts racing. what if liy got tree? oh no oh no oh no. we can't afford to have another death. i lay down on the ground and curl up, not knowing what else to do. i close my eyes for a minute, only to open them and see pillow standing over me. i jump up, startled. "pen, you can stop acting like that now. tree isn't dead, he's sitting over there. he's fine, but he says he's too tired to walk anymore, so we'll have to carry him". i am immensely relieved. i don't know what i would have done if tree died. i run over to tree. he is sitting by a bush, looking perfectly fine. "hey tree" i say. "so i hear you're tired". "yep" tree says. i decide that i could probably carry him, we weren't that far from the steakhouse. i pick tree up. i'm shocked. he's not nearly as heavy as i thought he would be. "oh,, you're gonna carry me?" tree says. i nod. i'm still a little worried about him, but i know he'll probably be better once he gets some sleep, if anybody will even be able to sleep after witnessing bottle's horrific death.

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