Chapter 20

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I put my hand up to my mouth to try and contain my giggles.

It wasn't enough. Tony had made me laugh too hard.

" why would you...ever do that?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

He shook with laughter as he put his drink back on the table.

" I don't know. But It was funny right?"

I nodded and wiped away the tears that had fallen while laughing.

As if suddenly remembering something, tony stopped, a serious expression taking over his happy go lucky one.

" I have to ask you something serious." He said suddenly, fidgeting with his coat.

I suddenly got a worried feeling down in the pit of my stomach.

" yes?" I swallowed hard and prayed that it was nothing bad.

He looked around the crowded room for a minute before doing the most unrealistic thing.

He slowly knelt down on his one knee, pulling a small red velvet box from his left coat pocket.

It was like a dream. My hands slowly made their way to my mouth and eyes as I tried to stop the tears from coming.

The room stopped.

Time froze as he spoke softly.

" Emma Hilt. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Ever since we met , you were shy, hiding away from everyone and everything. Me, I was stubborn and I never realized how much you meant to me, until now. So will you do the honours of being my wife?"

The reply rolled out of my mouth before I even processed what was happening.

" yes!" I gasped.

A wide grin spread its way onto his face, the look of nervousness was washed away by that one simple word.

I couldn't contain my happiness.

Tony and I were engaged. We were going to be married. Have a family. Live the rest of our lives together.

He jumped up and with pure joy he brought the ring to my finger, slipping it on carefully.

Even tho I was rich I never cared for the ring, I looked up to the man whom I loved with all my heart.

" I love you." I whispered, hugging him tightly.

He hugged back with the same force, running his fingers trough my hair.

" I love you too." He whispered back.

The room suddenly erupted into cheers.

That brought me back into reality as I looked around the room realizing and remembering where i was.

Tony hugged me sideways and smiled to our friends that came rushing over with huge goofy smiles on their lips

" your engaged?!?!" Brittany yelled happily, hugging me tightly.

The chatter went on from then but I was out of it.

I was getting married.

This seemed so....unrealistic.

Why does something not feel right? I thought to myself quietly.

After thinking it through I shook off the thought .

It was nothing.

" congratulations sis." Adam called, patting me on the back." He's a good man."

I nodded in agreement.

" he is." I hugged Adam tightly with excitement." I just can't believe this is happening."

" well believe it babe. Cause it's real." Tony stepped next to me and nodded toward Adams way.

" mister stark." Adam greeted, his hand out in a gesture.

Tony took it with a smile." Mister hilt."

I have a feeling, and hopefully it's true, that they will get along just fine.

Everything is going uphill for me.

Then why is this feeling still nagging me .

Like....something's going to happen.

The consequence ( sequel to the price of love)Where stories live. Discover now