Chapter 26

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It was my wedding day.

A day I've been waiting for since I could even read or write.

And I got to spend it with the man I loved most in the world.

I adjusted the dress that hung around and under my arms and sighed contently. I loved the dress, the shoes, everything. I just couldn't believe what was happening.

I was getting married.
For so long I thought it was impossible.

But I guess those thoughts were wrong.

" Emma."

I whirled around to face Adam.

" hey bro." I said with a smile.

He grinned." Hey sis. You look beautiful ."

His eyes scanned my outfit and finally landed on my own eyes.

" thanks." I muttered with a half smile.

" are you ready? It's starting." He said, his thumb gesturing backwards.

I nodded and picked up my dress and walking towards the door.

" umm Emma I have to tell you something." Adam said quietly.

" mom wanted to be here today, but, umm she's gone unconscious because of stress. So I'll be giving you away if that's fine."

I sighed unhappily." Alright. As long as I get you." I smiled.

He nodded an hooked his arm through mine, leading me towards the tall oaken door that would open to my destiny.

" lets go." He whispered.

The doors open and the music suddenly started.

An uneasy feeling settled over me as people stood and turned to me and sighed with awe.

I started walking into the room, silently praying that everything will be alright.

I kept my eyes on tony, he smiled encouragingly to me. I smiled back and blushed while stopping.

Adam let go of my arm and kissed my cheek before walking to the side to stand with the others.

In that moment I thought of who was here.

My bridesmaids Lucy, Natasha, Sophie, and Jane. My maid of honour was Brittany.

Tony chose Steve, Clint, Bucky, and Thor as his groomsmen.

Tony took my hands in his once I stood in front of him, and smiled softly.

His hair was slightly spiked up in the front and his bow tie made him look even better.

" you look amazing." He whispered as the preacher started to speak.

I blushed and looked down, squeezing his hands.

" so do you." I replied quietly.

He smirked." Don't I always." He laughed sarcastically.

I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled." Well yeah I guess so." I shrugged.

He smirked at me and turned to look at the preacher.

" do you, Tony, take Emma to be your lawfully wedded wi-"

" yada yada whatever man, I do!" Tony said excitedly, a smirk on his face.

Laughter rose in the crowd and the preachers face went red.

I tried hard to keep my laughter inside of me.

He cleared his throat and looked to me.

" do you, Emma, take Tony to be your lawfully wedded husband, for-"

I held up my hand." Can we cut to the chase. I do. It's not normal for people to say no. So just say the magic words and we'll be out of your hair."

His face went red again and he stuttered on his words.

Tony laughed and squeezed my hands again, while winking.

" that's my girl."

The preacher started.

" then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

We didn't have to be old twice, tony swung me off my feet and dipped me, before pressing his lips on mine.

" well hello mrs Stark." He whispered.

I grinned an kissed him back, harder this time." Long time no see mr Stark."

We kissed again.

" get a room!" Adam yelled with a laugh.

I let go of tony and stuck my tongue out at him.

" come on." I said with a smile, pulling tony towards the doors that opened to our limo.


Once we made it to the building we immediately ate and made speeches.

A few tears were shed but they were all happy.

Finally the dance came.

" shall we?" Tony asked with a smile, holding out his hand.

I took it with a grin." We shall."

He led me onto the dance floor and wrapped his arms around my waste.

" how's the married life in your perspective?" I asked, swaying to the music, my hands on his neck.

He smirked." It's amazing now that were finally married."

I smirked back." What do you plan to do for the honey moon? We are in Hawaii already!" I sighed, looking out the window to the setting sun on the beach.

He shrugged." We could stay here and, I have a plan for tonight..."

He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

A blush crept its way onto my neck and face and I lightly slapped his shoulder.

" it's a deal." I grinned.

He winked at me and led me out the door secretly up to our hotel room.

We were married now, so we could do WHATEVER we wanted.......

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