Chapter 29

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" I can't believe Brittany's pregnant!" I said excitedly, jumping up and down as tony and I stood in the elevator.

We were going out for dinner on our seven month anniversary.

He smiled at my antics and took my hand." It is amazing."

I nodded in agreement and suddenly thought of something random." Do you want kids?"

He stopped short and looked at me." I would love kids. Would you?"

I sighed with relief and squeezed his hand." Good. And yes I would."

I thought for a moment if I should say the next thing.

We stepped out of the elevator and sat in Tony's car, driving towards our destination.

While we were driving I finally decided to speak up.

" tony."

He looked at me.

" I'm pregnant."

The car screeched to a halt and his hands flew to his face, his breathing becoming ragged.

" your what?!??" He yelled.

I bit my lip and nodded." I'm pregnant tony. I found out yesterday. I was waiting to tell you today."

I put my hand on his back, trying to calm him down.

" how many months?" He managed to gasp out.

" seven."

His breathing quickened again.

" I-I am going to be a F-father....."

He trailed off and I thought he was going to faint.

" tony tony! Calm down alright. I don't want you passing out." I soothed, rubbing his shoulder.

He took a couple deep breaths before looking to me.

" your pregnant." He finally realized.

I nodded and smiled." I am."

A huge smile grew on his face and he flung his arms around me like a little child and pulled me closer.

I hugged him tightly, stuck in the moment, until a car horn beeped.

We shot out of each others arms and tony started the car again, driving down the road once more.

The smile wouldn't wipe off either of our faces as we arrived at the restaurant.

Tony led me to a table in the far back, a candle lit and sitting in the middle. There were two chairs, one on either side and they were the red velvet type.
The restaurant was quite rich looking as well. Some walls were gold while the others were a deep shade of red. In the middle of each room a golden chandelier hung majestically from the ceiling.

Everyone in the place bare tuxedoes or fancy looking dresses that looked like that cost at least $25,000 at the least.

" i feel so underdressed." I whispered, sitting down slowly.

He grinned and winked at me." Oh no Emma. Your perfect."

I blushed." That's not true."

" yes it is."

" no, it's not."

" yes it is."

" no it's not."


The whole restaurant stopped and stared at us.

Tony rolled his eyes and continued oh speaking." Your perfect Emma. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

I sighed an exasperated sigh." Fine."

He smiled and took out the menu." Now what would my lovely wife like to eat?" He asked suddenly.

My heart fluttered and the smile grew wider on my face as I looked to him." Well my wonderful husband, I'm just going to go with the buffet."

His eyes widened." Cravings?"

I nodded." Cravings."

Soon the waiter came and took our orders. His eyes slightly widened at my choice and all I had to say was.

" I'm pregnant." And he just nodded and smiled before walking away slowly and uneasily.

" did I really scare him off?" I asked, leaning in closer.

Tony kissed my nose." I think you did."

The consequence ( sequel to the price of love)Where stories live. Discover now