Chapter 24

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" come on Lucy. We gotta go upstairs. They'll be looking for us." Steve shook me frantically.

I groaned and flung the sheets off my bed, throwing my legs over the side.

He held out his hand for me to take but I swatted it away, standing up on my own.

The feeling was back. I don't know what it is. It's been bothering me for weeks now. It makes me moody. And I hate it cause I say things I don't mean.

" sorry." I muttered, stumbling past Steve towards the elevator.

" shall we?" He asked, taking my hand.

I nodded and sighed." We shall."

Minutes later we were on Tony's floor.

" hey guys. You made it. What took you so long?" Emma called.

" who cares. It's Christmas." Tony laughed.

I smiled half heartedly and limped to the couch.

Bruce stood up an offered his seat.

" thanks." I muttered, sitting down in his place.

" when are you getting that cast off?" Bucky asked, sipping his hot chocolate.

" tomorrow. Apparently , I heal faster than normal so it's tomorrow instead of in two weeks." I shrugged.

He nodded.

I gladly took the hot chocolate that Emma offered me and cooled it down with my ice.

" hey Loki." I said, nodding my head in the gods direction.

He nodded, acknowledging me.

" how are you fairing?" He asked quietly.

I shrugged." I've been better. How's Asgard?"

" it is good. Same as always." He answered easily.

I nodded and turned back to the others.

" shall we?" Steve asked, gesturing to the tree.

Tony nodded and threw himself under the tree, tossing presents to those who's names were on them.

He tossed me a few presents and I caught most of them.

One present my hand slipped and it tumbled to the ground.

I reached to get it but a hand stopped me.

" I can get it." Clint said, handing the present to me.

I smiled with thanks and took the present from him.

" wait. What's that on your hand?" He asked.

I froze and shot a glance to Steve.

His face was red and he pulled his fingers through his messy hair.

" umm...." I stuttered, trying to figure out something to say.

" lady Lucy. Are you?...." Loki started.

I covered my face with my hands.

" yes ok. Me and Steve are engaged." I muttered.

Everyone's jaws dropped except for Tony's.

" eh. I was expecting that." He shrugged it off and patted Steve on the back.

" congratulations." He said, taking a sip of whatever was in his cup.

Steve nodded in acknowledgment and looked to me, smiling.

" if you haven't heard already. Fury wants the weddings to be in a months time. So that means we need to get planning." Emma said thoughtfully.

I nodded slowly, sinking the information in.

" alrighty then can we continue?" Tony asked impatiently.

" you know you don't have to wait for us." I snorted.

A look of realization flashed over his face and he face palmed, grabbing a present and ripping the wrapping off.

I kept my mind off the others and opened my own presents slowly.

Each present was from each couple.

The first one read.

To: Lucy
From: Tony and Emma

It was a fairly big box and I carefully untied the bow, taking the cover off slowly.

I pulled the wrapping off and smiled.

It was a new pair of converse. Except this time, they were more advanced. From what I could tell, the bottom of the shoes had a secret compartment and the laces laced themselves up by themselves. There were many other features but I didn't bother to figure them out.

The rest of the presents went by in a breeze.

Bruce got me ,or may I say made me an advanced sword, that reminded me a lot of the sword that Thorin owned in The Hobbit.

Brittany and fury had gotten me the whole collection of Sherlock and Doctor Who.

Thor and Loki got me a, ( strangely enough,) charm bracelet that seemed to be made of asgardian gold. It had two charms. One was a lighting bolt. The other was a snowflake. Signalling my two main powers. Energy and Ice.

Clint and Natasha got me a new catsuit that was equipped to work well with my powers.

Lastly Steve got me a beautiful diamond necklace with a snowflake made of diamonds.

I thanked them all and then the women were off.

You wanna know where?

Well guess.

Wedding dresses.

The consequence ( sequel to the price of love)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora