Pissing him off

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Note before starting: I added a new chapter, who is Akane's younger brother and I do hope you guys like him.

Pov: Ryuu

I feel Akira's arms around my waist, he does this when he isn't in a good mood and I think the other brothers are causing him to be in the bad mood.

"Aki, are you in a bad mood again?" Akane asks as he glares at the 6 brothers with anger. He is in possessive also, so that means he doesn't like them.

"Akira, be nice. I know you well enough to know what mood you are in. Sakamaki brothers meet my younger brother Akira Yamamoto. My last name is the same but I don't use it." Akira now is holding my waist tight while a dark aura is surrounding him.

"What's with him?" Ayato asks the question and Akira is now letting go of me, I sigh from the pain and hold his arm.

"I don't like any of you 6. Step near him and I snap your necks like a twig." That tone is a mix of anger and malice, I quickly pull him away from them so he doesn't do anything.

"Now, we will show you your rooms. Let's enter now." Akane says with a smile on her lips but she isn't happy they are here either. I walk inside the marbled floor with blue tiles to make a design in the middle.

Aki is less angry but he can do some serious damage if I let him but I don't

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Aki is less angry but he can do some serious damage if I let him but I don't. She has maids and butlers take their bags then she motion her hand.

We all walk to the kitchen, which is spacious as hell then continues the tour of the large mansion and KarlHeniz leaves the mansion.

"I do have one thing to say to you 6, I don't like you much but I will have to deal with it while Aki will actually attack you if go near Kai so I would suggest staying away." She says then the bedrooms are shown to each person then we head our separate ways.

I go to my room to change into knee length black swimming trunks, a towel, and a tank top on. I walk down to the backyard so I open the french doors to the patio and put my  tank top and towel on a sun bathing seat close to the pool then I get inside of the pool.

I swim underwater when weak arms around my shoulders then I flips her under the water and I gasped to see Akane coming up for air. I look to the left to see Aki in his clothes reading in the patio.

"He doesn't want to join us?" I ask then she jumps on my shoulders to get his attention but she makes up both fall in the water. I go the ledge to see him gone then I hear Akane squeal loudly.

"Let me go, Aki!" I swim over to them and jump on his back to let her go but we hear a screaming from inside. Akane and I pant as a maid comes over to the pool and we swim over to her.

"Anna, what happened?" Akane asks Anna, who is shaking badly so I get another maid to get a first aid kit. She rushes out as we sit on the outside ledge of the door and I see bite marks on her shoulder so I tell the maid with the first aid kit to get Ayato and Latio now.

Raina nods then rushes towards the french doors then I get out of the pool to grab my towel to dry off. Once I'm dry, I tell her to sit on the sun bathing chair and I rub her back and I see the 2 possible culprits of this attack.

"Did one of you idiots bite her because that is not allowed here due to some of the workers aren't vampires but human. I don't appreciate Anna being attacked on your first day here." Akane gets out of the pool with Aki and both are handed towels to dry off.

"Why would we do that for, Kaito-Chan?" Latio's turned dark and I glare at him with anger in my eyes.

"You are a damn pervert and he's self fucking absorbed jackass. From all the brides I saw you bite, I know Ayato did this." I say with Aki behind me, holding me close and I relax in his hold.

"I am going to make myself clear on this now. No biting the staff at all and if you need blood so bad, blood bags in the fridge." She says annoyed as hell then she makes them go back in. She's angry but so I am right now because they shouldn't have done that.

"Akane, want to back inside or continue swimming?" I ask while watching in Aki's arms.

"I'm going inside and you guys are anyway." Aki throws me over his shoulder and they walk to the patio the go inside. I get put down on the ground once we get inside.

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