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I don't know how many hours I was out for but I'm surprised I fell asleep at all. Maybe the drug was mixed with something else, it doesn't really matter I'm just glad to feel a little normal.

My eyes adjusted to the light of the room I was lying in, it couldn't be later than 10am. I tried to sit up but my head felt heavy. I heard someone moving and I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"I know dad but -" I hear a familiar voice, he sounded upset.

"No, I don't care. You can't just go round taking every random person home that you see. We have our own family to take care of! You turn 21 and the first thing you do is kidnap someone!"

There was some mumbling after that I couldn't quite make out.

"You won't listen!" the man shouted, I could hear his footsteps stomping down the stairs.

I was frozen in fear, the man had kidnapped me? It did seem strange that he was there only 20 minutes after I got the free drink, maybe it was a gang and they were all in on it. I had to get out of here.

I shuffled lightly in my covers to try and get a better view of the room. It seemed as though I was in a bunk bed. There was another bunkbed to the right of me that had another person under the covers.

I really was stupid. First, I use a fake ID to get into a club, then I get incredibly drunk and drugged and now I'm in a strangers house with no idea how to escape. How did I survive to the age of 18?  Gosh I really wanted to ring my mum, she was going to be so worried. I'd only been in Illinois for 3 weeks and she'd practically begged me not to go, maybe I should have listened.

"urghh... good morning" I jumped, not expecting anyone to be speaking let alone in such a positive tone. I still refused to move but I had now realised the person in the bed beside me was a boy and looked to be about my age. I couldn't see much else of him and didn't want to look too long.

I heard footsteps approach the doorway of the room. I tried to keep still but my allergies were always bad in the morning and I just couldn't hold a sneeze in any longer.
There was a long pause and then

"Frick! She's awake"

I realised I couldn't pretend anymore so I decided to sit up in the bed. My mouth felt incredibly dry and my nose was blocked.
"Hey are you okay?" the voice came again.
"Not really" I replied flatly.
Who would be fine after being drugged and taken to a random house?
The guy in the bed next to me sat up and looked over.
"So this is her then George?" he asked rubbing his eyes. George? What a generic name. I could name at least 4 different people named George and that's only the ones who went to my small town school.
George looked uncomfortable, "yeh Adam, this is her".
"I have a name you know guys" I chimed in. Were they really talking about me like I wasn't there?
"Well what's your name then?" Adam asked pulling the cover off himself and climbing out of the bed.
"Anysia" I knew what was going to happen next, it's the same every single time.
"What?" They both said.
"Any...sia" I said again.
They both looked confused.
"Is that a British thing?" George chuckled to himself. I couldn't help but think he's a massive virgin. I'd only said less than 3 sentences and already I could sense this man has never so much as sat next to a girl. He seems like he still covers his eyes when a sex scene plays on the tv.
"Says the guy named George"
I tried to pronounce it in my best posh accent but I've never been good at them, people say I sound pretty posh without trying anyway.
Adam sniggered before exciting the room "she has a point".

George looked down and let out a small laugh.

"So, what am I doing here?" I finally asked.

"I know it looks bad, my dad has been reminding me over and over" he laughed awkwardly "It wasn't me who drugged you and maybe I should have just forgotten about you and left you there. I don't know okay having 5 siblings made me extremely empathetic so I had to help you. You're not trapped here I just wanted to make sure you weren't left in a vulnerable position." He looked at me nervously.

"Thank you" I didn't know what else to say to him, I was mostly just glad I hadn't been kidnapped. George was right, anything could have happened to me in that club. Wait did he say 5 siblings?

"5 siblings!"

"Yeh, everyone reacts like that" he laughed "and then they make fun when I say we're all in a band together"

I had to try not to laugh. It actually seemed pretty sweet, it must be nice to be so close to your siblings.

"What do you do in the band?"


"That's cute"

George blushed and darted his eyes around the room. "What do you mean cute?"

"I'm imagining you trying to bop your head enthusiastically while playing the keyboard, it's just cute"

Now that I'm paying attention to him properly, he was actually pretty cute too.

George blushed again, not knowing what else to say on the matter.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really... but I could do with some coffee"

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