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I'd woken up quite late the next day. George and I were sat by the lake until 2am just watching the sky and listening to the sounds of the world around us.
He asked if I wanted to sleep at his house but I had to decline. Mainly because his dad seemed to hate me, but everything seemed to be going too fast. Of course I was happy to be spending time with such a dorky and adorable guy but 2 days was barely any time at all... and we kissed?! I don't know how true the movies are but a relationship that begins too quickly always ends the same way. He hadn't texted me so I assumed he wasn't awake yet, After a few minutes of contemplation I decided to send him one first.

"Good Morning! 💙" I hit send and smiled. I'd never had a crush before. Usually I'm the quiet one who listens to everyone and rarely speaks up, which means I never get to develop a crush on anyone because I don't bloody speak. I guess I could still like someone from a distance but I prefer to get to know the person and form a connection.

I was about to get out of bed when my phone chimed, it was George.

"Good Morning Sunshine! Hope you slept well. Do you have any plans for today? I have a special request💙"

Special request sounded a bit...kinky. I laughed to myself at the thought of such an immature and geeky guy trying to be sexy. He'd probably fall over trying to do a strip tease.

"I don't have any plans 😊 I'm intrigued, what could this special request be?" I replied still laughing.

"Now I'm reading it back it sounded weird 😂💙 We actually need your help filming a video🤘🏻. It won't take very long and we can go for lunch after if you want?" This actually sounded kind of fun, it must be something to do with their music and the band. Does that mean I'll see George playing keyboard? I can't wait.

"I'd be happy to come help.  What's the video for? 😊💙"
5 minutes had passed and George hadn't responded so I decided to go and make breakfast. Right after I finished pouring the milk my phone chimed again.

"It's for tik tok 😂🤘🏻 The rest will remain a surprise. I'll pick you up at 3pm💙."

I sent a heart in response and decided to start getting ready. As I was brushing my hair I realised I hadn't asked George for his social media's or the name of his family band. I need to ask more questions. I couldn't even check out their tik tok's beforehand.

It was almost 4pm and still George was nowhere to be seen. No texts, no call, no "💙🤘🏻😂" Emojis. I was getting worried. Before I could start overthinking about all the horrible things that might have happened to him I heard a honk from outside. I looked out the window, it was George.
I tried to get to his car as fast as possible. He didn't open the door for me this time which was weird especially for someone like George.

"Hey Anysia" George said not looking at me. His eyes looked puffy, his face red; had he been crying?
"George what's wrong?" I asked reaching my hand over to comfort him. George let out a sigh before turning to me "my dad and I just had an argument, it's nothing serious I just hate seeing him angry" I stroked his palm gently while he continued. "He said I don't help him out enough and that I'm a disgrace because I don't have a job yet. He literally pulled us out of school to make a band, I was going to become a firefighter but he forced me out of it because making music is my 'passion'. Ugh I'm sorry Anysia I just need to vent" I was a little shocked despite not knowing much about his band "You don't like being in a band?".
"It's not that it's just... after a while I think my dad needs to realise that we're probably not going to be a band that sells out arenas worldwide like he expects. I love making music but there's a time when you have to push it back and just do it as a hobby" George sighed again, moving his hand away from mine.  "I had a tik tok planned for today but I don't know if my siblings are in the right mood to film". I looked over, "I think it might cheer them up".


The car ride was mostly silent apart from a few comments from George about the music that was playing or a cute dog he saw on the street.
When the car finally stopped I got out slowly trying to take in the beautiful wooden cabin in front of me. This is where they lived? I was a little embarrassed now considering George had seen the outside of my tiny apartment. His siblings were huddled outside next to a playset with a yellow slide. I could have heard them shouting and screaming a mile away, their neighbours must enjoy living here...

"Right, are you ready?" George said stepping out on the other side.

"I guess so?" I wasn't quite sure what he meant. His siblings all turned when they noticed George had stepped out the car, "HEY GEORGE!" Eli screamed running up and giving him a hug. They hugged briefly until she turned to me, I wasn't sure she recognised me until she said "hello again". The rest of the siblings ran up to greet George, they didn't seem upset nor did they mention any sort of argument that apparently happened. I wasn't going to bring it up but it seemed a little strange, it must be because I'm here.

"Right guys, I have an idea for our next tik tok" George beamed as he began to walk back to the house. "I was thinking we could stand in front of my car and try not to flinch when someone sounds the horn" noise erupted from everyone, did these kids just constantly speak over each other?
"I think that's pretty cool George" Adam said once everyone had stopped talking. The idea was not what I expected but it did sound fun, I nodded along with everyone as they all said how great the idea was. It felt as though they were trying to talk to me but didn't really want me there at the same time.

"Anysia can you film it for us?" Adam asked breaking the silence. I nodded "of course, why else am I here".  Adam laughed awkwardly and handed me his phone, his wallpaper was a cartoon mug with the caption "I need coffee". I expected better from him...

George positioned everyone and explained again what was going to happen. "Emily you get in the car to sound the horn" a girl that looked around 14 or 15 stepped out from the group and jumped into the car. She was pretty but I couldn't help but notice her bulging eyes.

I stepped back as Isabel stood in front of the car. "Can you see both me and the car in frame?" She asked playing with her hair and fixing her coat.
"Yeh it's perfect" I replied hovering my finger over the record button.
"Right 3...2...1... Press record Anysia" George called from a few metres away.
Isabel stood for a few seconds before the car honked loudly, I tried not to wobble the camera too much because the honk made me flinch too. I watched the video back and it actually looked quite funny.
"Right I'll go next" George ran to the front of the car.
I hit record and when the car honked George made a little "ah!" sound. I held my laugh in until I stopped recording.
"Hey, don't make fun of me" George whined trying not to laugh "it's a loud honk okay, why don't you try it if you're so confident"
My mouth opened a little "I didn't say I could do better!" but now George was adamant.
"Cmon stand in front of the car, we won't include it in the tik tok but I'll keep it for my own enjoyment" he giggled holding the camera up.
I stood awkwardly in front of the car tensing my shoulder up waiting for the loud noise. My body flinched but I didn't scream or anything. George looked unsatisfied, "Whatever, my little scream makes the video better anyway".

I continued to film the rest of the siblings. The youngest boy, who I learnt was called Jack, had the best reaction despite it hurting my ears.
"That's a wrap then guys, it's almost time to post it so Adam you gotta edit it fast" George ordered, I liked it when he was giving people orders and being the one in charge even if it was just a tik tok.

"What's your account? I'll follow you" I chimed in.

"It's @sm6band on everything. We can all follow you back too if you want" Adam smiled. So now I knew their band was called sm6, I wondered what the sm stood for...

I followed all of them on Instagram and proceeded to like all of George's photos; I couldn't help myself. The rest of the siblings had been called inside for dinner but George offered to drop me off.
"Sorry we couldn't go for dinner, I didn't realise it would take so long to film a 60 second tik tok" he laughed flattening his hair.
"Don't worry about it, I still had fun! The tik tok came out really good too"
"All thanks to you" George smiled "Now, let's get you home"

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