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It's been two weeks since I went to George's house and filmed the tik tok.  He hasn't messaged me since then and there has been no indication that he wants to meet up again. I guess this is where it ends... I obviously just had my hopes up but then again his dad didn't seem to want me there at all. I went from checking my phone every few minutes to not touching my phone for hours, even days at a time, why should I keep getting excited that George might message? I started out feeling angry that he wasn't messaging but now I was just sad, I thought the date went really well.

Since filming the tik tok I hadn't actually been keeping watch of their account. Mostly because it upset me to see George and be receiving no contact but I assume it could give me an indication of what he was doing. I immediately noticed that their follower count had reached 500k, that's strange because the last time I checked they had 6k. I scrolled through their recent videos until I saw the don't flinch challenge, it was on 4 million views. I quickly pressed the comments to see how people were responding to it, which ended up being a terrible idea. The pride I felt knowing I filmed this video was destroyed in a matter of seconds. I can't imagine how the family feels. I scrolled and scrolled but I couldn't find a single positive comment.

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I couldn't believe what I was reading, how could anyone say such things about people they didn't know. This must be why George wasn't replying. I scrolled further and saw multiple comments referring to Eliana as "pigeon", this was horrible. 

In that moment, I decided that if George wasn't going to message back then I'd just turn up unannounced. I had to make sure him and his family were okay.


When I arrived at their house it didn't look as though anyone was at home, all the curtains were closed and their car wasn't where it usually was. It took a lot of courage to go knock on the door and I probably looked really suspicious just standing and staring at their house for ten minutes before I knocked. I heard some footsteps and mumbling from inside but then it went silent. I knocked again.  Whoever was inside seemed very keen on not answering so I continued to knock and ring the doorbell until the door was finally opened.

 It was George's ogre of a dad. His fat, pointy head almost reached the top of the door frame; he didn't look impressed. I took a step back and cleared my throat "um... hi I was just wondering, is George in?" I couldn't cope with staring this man in the face so I kept diverting my eyes to anywhere else I could find; my shoes, the door handle, a tree, anywhere but the intimidating figure in front of me. 

"I think it's best if you just leave" there was a long pause as I tried to think of what to say in response. "what... what do you mean?" was all I could push out. He stepped back and began closing the door, "It's for your own good". I stood in front of the door for a while trying to comprehend what just happened until I began walking back. I was only wondering if George was okay, surely it must be a good thing for me to care about him this much but I guess I can't change how his dad sees me. The walk back was just 30 minutes of me trying not to cry but as soon as I shut my apartment door I couldn't hold it back anymore. When I feel this sad I like to get drunk, I'm sure it's the same for a lot of people but I couldn't help but remember about what Abigail said. I'm sure it'll be fine if I just don't tell her, gosh I'm a horrible friend. 

 Eventually, I made the decision to go to a bar; it's much more fun to be in that environment than to get drunk alone at home. I only wish I didn't have the added anxiety of having to use a fake ID...

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