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I didn't feel confident enough to try using my fake ID at another club so I went to the same one I went to a month ago. It was just as busy as I remember. I walked straight to the bar, there was only one other person sat at the bar so I didn't feel as awkward sitting down.
"Smirnoff ice please" I shouted over the music. The guy sat to the right of me stirred, "woah calm down that's a bit of a strong drink" he laughed in a similar accent to mine. I couldn't tell if he was drunk but I didn't think so.
"One Smirnoff ice" the bartender announced placing the drink in front of me. I couldn't help but drink it all in a matter of seconds.
The guy noticed and turned to face me fully. "You alright?" he asked getting out of his seat and moving to one closer to me. I didn't feel like talking but I guess it could be nice to distract myself from George.
"Would you like me to lie?" I asked feeling tears fill my eyes.
"Woah woah please don't cry. I can listen but as soon as the tears start I'm useless" he laughed again taking a sip of his drink.
I couldn't help but laugh too, "I know that feeling". There was a brief silence, "yeh anyway I'm just having some trouble with boys, it's nothing serious. What's your name?" I asked before calling the bartender over to order another drink.
"Well I hope getting drunk helps you in some way. I'm Laurie, and you are?"


2 hours and many drinks later, I was very drunk. Laurie and I had spent the entire time talking and I honestly felt much better.  I explained everything with George and it was nice to have someone who was listening.

That was until a very drunk George pushed his way between where we were sat screaming at the top of his lungs. "NO! NO! GET AWAY FROM HER. YOU CANT HAVE HER".
"Do you fucking mind?" Laurie shouted grabbing George by the arm and shoving him into the opposite direction. George wobbled to his feet, stood still for a moment and then Charged at Laurie. "Don't Touch me again!" George screamed grabbing Laurie's shirt collar. I was terrified. I thought George was the definition of a soft boy; he never swore, cared deeply for his siblings and went out of his way to put others first. Drunk George was something I didn't want to see again.
Laurie pushed George off again, causing George to fall backwards onto his hands.
At this point, a few others in the club had noticed what was going on and stood by watching, trying to hear over the music.
"Stay away from us alright, what's your problem?" Laurie shouted while George scrambled to his feet again.
"Are you trying to steal my girl?" George grunted, charging back at Laurie who was now fully prepared for another George attack. "No? I'm just talking to her. Who are you?" Laurie questioned.
"George Jones" George mumbled swinging his arm and landing a punch across Laurie's face. Laurie winced, not expecting it to escalate this far. "Is that how you want this to go?" Laurie shouted, finally getting out of his seat. "Let's fucking go!"
Laurie was drunk but nowhere near as drunk as George. Laurie punched him across the face and blocked George's attempts at a return attack.
I'm ashamed to say I was actually enjoying this quite a lot but I didn't want to say George deserved it until he gave me a good reason as to why he hadn't messaged me.
George was now rolling across the floor groaning in pain but Laurie didn't want to stop there.  A few kicks to the stomach and legs and Laurie was happy to leave George be. "Don't try that again you cunt" he spat, walking back to his seat. I didn't know what to say so I just stood over George and watched him roll around for a bit, mumbling to himself. Others from inside the club began to come over to see if he was alright so I walked back to my seat.
"Thanks for that" I smiled "you didn't have to do that for me". Laurie looked over,  "it's alright he seems like a massive Tosser anyway and I've been needing to let off some steam. I gotta leave though before I get kicked out. It's better to leave without a fight... mind the pun". I giggled a little as Laurie got up to leave. What a mess tonight had been. I wasn't sure whether I should stay with George and make sure he was alright or to just start making my way home.  It's not like George had done anything for me recently. I need to remember that I'm angry at him for ignoring me. I tried to take one last look at George but he was surrounded by too many people so I just left the club.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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