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A thousand emotions envelop me as soon as I see her through the door. Her body hangs practically lifeless on a small wooden chair, her clothes drenched in blood and skin covered in cuts and bruises.

"NO!" I scream as I push slam open the door against the wall, jumping onto the man in front of me who is about to whack her again with the baseball bat.

I feel myself lose control.

Now on his back I place my arm around his throat and pull my hand with all my might as he chokes. He relentlessly tried to shake me off but I'm not having it.

I squeeze my arm as hard as I can around his neck, watching him gasp for oxygen as his face turns a shade of purple.

"ARIANA!" A voice shouts from behind me as I feel hands grip my sides and try to pull me off the man's back...failing. I briefly recognise the voice as Mr. G's and instantly have the reflex to kick behind me. For a moment I was balancing with one leg around the man and my arms wrapped around his neck in an attempt to suffocate him.

I hear a loud yell as I assume Mr. G's private parts and my foot just collided. Damn right he deserved that.

I feel another pair of hands grip my sides, trying to tear me off the man.

Too late.

The man's body falls to the floor lifelessly and I stand up from it in satisfaction.

Hold it in.

I feel myself regain control and the released emotions pull themselves back inside me just as they were trained to do. I turn around to see an extremely angry looking Namjoon and a Mr. G that looks in immense pain.

Without a word, Namjoon grabs my wrist, yanking me out of the room as I try to fight away from his grip. We stop a few metres away from the room and Namjoon glares at me with true fury in his eyes. And may I say he is actually pretty terrifying when he's mad.

"What the fuck was that?"


Although his current state scares me I'm not afraid to stand up for what I see as wrong. In fact not wrong but completely inhumane.

Namjoon's eyes burn straight into me like balls of fire, I can't believe he's so mad about this. Did he not see what was happening? I thought he thought we were equals? How can he think that's acceptable?

"It was bad enough that you threatened him with a gun and now you've injured him and possibly murdered one of his favourite colleagues." His words are spat out in fury and I can see him shaking with anger. With no reluctance I place my hand on his arm and he looks at me with surprise but still with anger...less anger though.

"I only agreed to be here because I didn't want to be tortured and thrown back in a camp. What makes you think I have to treat Mr. G respectfully? I have no reason to."

"You have no reason to? You'll be lucky if you even get to stay here, considering what you've done you're more likely to be put back in a camp, you're stupid attitude hasn't helped you at all. This man has complete power over what happens to you." Namjoon frowns. His expression suddenly firms, "This whole time we've been trying to help you and we just have to watch it backfire. You've thanked us for nothing and not even tried helping yourself."

I look down at the floor in shame. I have to admit, I feel somewhat ashamed that I've been so cold towards them.

"At first I thought it was admirable. I was wrong."

I hear a cough come from behind me and just by looking at Namjoon's face before turning around, I can tell whatever's coming is bad.

Mr. G stands in front of me with a piercing gaze. Behind him I see Jin and Jimin, both looking concerned.

As soon as Mr. G speaks I know Namjoon was entirely correct about me being stupid.

"You don't have to miss the camps anymore, Ariana, I'm sure the guards will be pleased to see you back."

Jin and Jimin are frozen in shock, they knew it was coming yet they're still surprised? Mr. G looks at me with satisfaction on his face, damn I would like to smack the smug grin off his face right this minute.

"Pack your things, oh wait...what things?" He sniggers.

What an asshole.

"Jimin will escort you back to the camp, I bet you'll enjoy being back there, suffering amongst the others."

"What will happen to Tamsin?" I say, eyes darting behind him in hope of seeing her.

"Hmmm, I don't think she belongs in a camp anymore, maybe just death will suffice."

In one swift move, I jump forwards and uppercut Mr. G. Instantly I feel Namjoon's arms around me, his front against my back. I can feel his heart pounding out of his chest as he restrains me. Mr. G looks back at me with disgust, shaking his head in quick recovery from the punch.

"If I were you I'd be careful, sweetheart, I could always make a special request for you."

"Try me, I'm not afraid of anything you could do to me. Nothing." I hiss, struggling to escape Namjoon's grip which is extremely strong.

"Then I'll get something special set up for you, shall I, sweetheart?" I feel like throwing up at his ugly nickname for me. "I mean, you could always get down on your knees and beg to me like the God I am, maybe then I would forgive you."

As soon as the word 'God' comes out of his mouth I spit in his face. "You're no God."

And with an expression of incredible rage, he motions for Namjoon to pull me away from the situation.

Namjoon leads me down to the ground floor with me in his arms (yes, he picked me up, I'm shocked too) and Jimin following behind us. He soon dumps me down and pushes me towards Jimin and almost moments later Jimin and I are in a car being driven back to my camp.

I was expecting some light conversation, maybe a goodbye, but instead I'm greeted with silence.

Jimin spends ages typing into his phone like he's deviating some sort of plan, I'm rather confused, is he trying to figure out how to save Tamsin?

The car pulls to a halt, a cold anxiety brewing in the pit of my stomach.

We're now outside of Eden, about halfway to the camp I was previously in, but I have no idea why we stopped. The windows are very blacked out so instead I lean forwards to look out of the windscreen.

In front of the vehicle are two black four-by-fours and in front of them stand several men wearing full black clothes and black masks to cover their faces.

They swiftly begin moving towards the car and I can sense the driver's fear.

His door swings open and he's quickly yanked out by his hair and thrown on the ground. Weirdly Jimin has no reaction - which I thought he would considering he's a trained agent?

The next thing I know, my door is opened and I feel a thick cotton bag being placed over my head. My arms and legs flail in an attempt to escape the man's grip, but I soon feel a sharp pain in my arm and then...


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