🍋Part 2🍋 ( slight smut )

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( A few weeks later )
⚠️ Slight Cuss warning ⚠️
"It's been about a few weeks since the first day of UA. So far I've made a ton of friends, I've even got close to Bakugou aka porcupine, crazy right? A few quizzes are coming around the corner and Mina, Sero, Denki, Kirishima, Bakugou and I are going to discuss where to study. I should probably be paying attention to class."

I close my journal and pay attention to Aizawa, while occasionally getting distracted by my pen, I slowly start to take apart my pen and using my backup to write down notes. " Why is class so B O R I N G?" I put my head down, stil listening to the lecture. "Alright class your assignment is to create your hero costume's and start thinking of your hero name." I wasn't paying any attention other than that snipet of words

( Kirishima's POV )
I Pay close attention to class but I get distracted. Y/N puts her head down. It's only been a week- so I can't know for sure if I like her. Maybe I should ask BakuBro and see if he can help me, if not I'll ask Mina. "How come I get exited when I'm going to hang out with her? Could I like her?- no. I'll ask BakuBro and if he's not much help, I'll ask mina. Don't get off track, Pay attention Kirishima, maybe she might need help after school." I look at Y/N one more time, she's now sitting up, slouched down and playing with a pen. I quickly look away and pay attention to the lecture

( Y/N POV )
The bell rang and I got up and got in front of kirishima. He looked at me and his cheeks slowly turned a pink. "Hiya Kiri!" I said giving him a warm smile. Yes I was flirting, I do that often because it's cute to see the " Hard Rock " get soft. "H..hey, Y/N" he said giving me a slight smile and standing up. As we walked to the lunchroom it was silent, bakugou behind us getting into fights with random kids. Kiri- looked like he was busy in his thoughts so I didn't wanna bother him, and Mina, Sero and Denki all laughing and talking. Then there's me, just watching the world go by and getting stared at by boys. I was suddenly pulled to where kirishima was and he was now where I was. "There," he said "now no one will give you- looks." He looked away so I couldn't see his face. "Thank you, Kiri." My cheeks slightly turned a light pink.

I put my hand together, "Tabemono o arigatō!" I grabbed my chopsticks and started digging into my Katsudon. Everyone also thanked for the food and started eating. I looked around at the table and saw kirishima eating meat, he looked so cute eating his steak- I got snapped out of my thoughts and finished eating.

( Mina's POV )
"Y/N? Whatcha lookin at?~" she looked at me, knowing that I'd given her a look, it's sort of obvious that Y/N likes him, honestly I don't blame her, a lot of people like Kirishima, but~ I rather like someone else, plus, I think of kirishima as a friend and only a friend. I leaned over to her and whispered in her ear, "your looking at kiri right?~" I saw her cheeks turn a pink. "I totally ship it~" Sero overheard and started teasing Y/N, I know she wasn't sure of her feelings because- it's only been a week since we all met, but! I could help her find her feelings out! Tonight after we decide which house to go to TO study.

( Kirishima POV )
"Hey BakuBro, can I talk to you about something?" He looked at me, "pft, sure, what's up shitty hair." "Well uh, I don't know if you could help me-" "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN SHITTY HAIR WHEN HAVE I NOT BEEN HELPFUL?!" Bakugou shouted, catching the attention of the rest of the table, I looked at Y/N and her cheeks were tinted pink, she giggled at Bakugou's foolish actions and I thought it was cute, "I already know what the hell you wanna ask me dumbass." Bakugou whispered only so that u could hear. "You Just know damnit, if you like her you'll know." "B-but... how do I know, like-" I was cut off, " you get butterflies in your stomach I guess, and you feel- really happy with that person according to the web," I saw him looking at his phone, "and you- start to imagine being with them, and well-" he got close to my ear. "You get turned on just by the thought of them." My eyes widened and I blushed. Bakugou backed away "I'm only helping you because- your my damn friend, tell anyone I'll fucking kill you shitty hair, got that?" He said eating his food, I nodded and thought. "Do I like her? I-" I looked at her, she was giggling and talking with Mina and Sero and Denki "damn Shes hot..." I felt something down there, I looked and quickly covered it with my hand. "We won't talk about this, think about something else Kirishima!"
"Hey guys um-" everyone looked at me," so who's house are we going to?" Everyone looked at eachother, "I cant, I really don't think my- mom would like people over to be honest, she'd probably think I'm smashing or something." Y/N said eating her dango. She's really cute when she tries to be "cool" the rest of the table laughed and I swear I could have seen bakugou smirk. "I can't have people over, highly doubt you'd wanna see so much pink" Mina said, "Same- but not the Pink part" Denki said, smiling and winking at Y/N.

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