Chapter 1

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"So ladies, please try to behave. And drop the attitudes!" Carlos raises his voice in a playful scowl pointing a finger at us ten ladies before him.

As if.

Without making a fuss we roll our eyes at him, nodding with a small smile or sighing for the hundredth time being lectured before we get to work.

Unconsciously swaying my body and slightly bopping my head every now and then as I hear the base of a familiar song pumping through the thin walls.

My eyes roam briefly at each of the ladies outfits in this small space while taking orders from Carlos, oh, the manager of this "prestige" club as he calls it. Sometimes he stresses the fact that it's an "Elite Gentleman's Club" I wonder how or who gave the name "Roulette". Perhaps one of the guys had something to do with it. Roulettes is kind of perfect for this joint.

Actually it speaks for itself. I guess it depends on the day of the week. You just never know what to expect here at this spot I've learned to call my home.

Smoothing my dress down in hopes I look the part like the rest of the ladies, who aren't shy at all to flaunt their assets and confidently walk with a tray in one hand holding up as many drinks as they can through moving bodies and occupied loud tables. There's a nick to it, don't be fooled, like I once was. You get used to it.

"Kara I need you in the VIP section tonight" Carlos brings me out of my thoughts.

"Okay, sure" I find myself surprisingly pleased, this means an early night for me. "no problem" I smile to myself while mentally preparing for this night ahead, I already begin picturing my night after this shift, to get ready for a watch on one of those cheesy romance movies I've been obsessing over recently.. I don't know what it is about these movies that makes my heart swell, my eyes tear at the sad parts, even the happiest parts, don't get me started on that stupid happy ending causing me to reach for the tissues. I know, I'm pathetic. But I'm a sucker for romance.

Ching knows the drill, she would probably borrow me her laptop again. I could ask Carlos for his, but then again he has so much porn on there I almost felt sorry for him wondering what he really does in his spare time up there in his room. I do not want to relive that memory again. Ching is secretly a sucker for romance too, so she has better things to browse through, sticking with Chings laptop it seems. She won't be needing it tonight anyway.

Though Tally, my closest friend, teases me about how I spend too much time watching romantic comedies, as if I have better things to do.

It's dum, but I sometimes wonder and fantasize about the perfect date. Imagining how and what it feels like to be on one of those dates these cheesy movies has to offer. Until I'm brought to reality and realize I'm a jail bird in this joint.

I roll my eyes when I catch Carlos trying to be charming with the ladies. I better leave this space and get to work before I end up saying something nasty.

Normally VIP are private meetings held with business men in suits or small private parties I never get to see.. I barely assisted Tally, I could have been twice at these business meetings.

She claims we have to be very discrete while serving these men drinks, strange how I always find her purposely brushing herself against these men and apologizing with a beaming smile, faking her way through the night no less. She's a hustler in her own way, flaunting her assets and throwing her hair back over her shoulders so flawlessly. She is really good at this gig. I truelly admire her. Where as I really don't fit the profile with my long brown hair, average looking appearance. Of course I have an ass to flaunt on me and a decent bra size, or so I've been told. I think it's just so noticeable because of my small frame. Guys never seem to miss it and always feel the need to comment. Dickheads.

I swing around to look at myself in the mirror before leaving the dressing room.

Making a few adjustments with my hair I take one last look at myself in my black mid thigh length dress. Cute enough, but I feel like I don't belong here, trying to fit in and learning to speak Spanish or Italian or whatever because Carlos, my cousin says that's our main customer market. Whatever.

Carlos is great, but let's face it sometimes his just full of shit. He can't even tell me how we are related or who Karalina Lopez from Puerto Rico really is. He even pronounces words so different, yet he swares we grew up together. I decided not to question him anymore about my suspicions after the first three months. Like I said I feel like I don't belong, and with my loss of memory. Who's to say who the hell I really am. Everything seems like one big secret, especially when my father comes by. I have all these questions and all he says is... Soon, everything will be revealed soon. That makes no sense, Tally agrees.

Its been just over six months since my "accident" and all I needed was about two weeks after I woke up to recover before Carlos allowed me to work and started training me up on the bar.

I observed everyone and everything carefully. Carlos says I'm a fast learner and after time he started letting me assist him with the books, I caught on really quick as if I've done it before. That was until they discovered my hidden talent and there was no hiding away from it. Hidden talents were really not meant to be hidden anyway.

Tally stops me before we enter VIP "How are my boobs?" She pushes them up with both hands almost right up to her chin for emphasis on her cleavage, waiting expectantly for my reply.

I give her a genuine smile holding in a small laugh that wants to cackle out. But decide against it. "They always look good.. And wow even your hair and make up is amazing" I add the last part with a little sarcasm and pull her lightly to the door.

She pulls me back and starts loosening my hair from around my ear into my face. "Speaking of.." she gives me an apologetic smile "Why don't you ever apply the eyeliner I got you?" she crosses her arms below her chest exposing more of her cleavage than usual.

"Because, I hate it" I stated matter of factly "It smudges everytime I rub my eyes.. I swear it's not as bad as the waterproof mascara you got me last time."

Her eyes go wide as if the shocked expression she had already wasnt enough. "Then don't rub your eyes!" She slaps my hand playfully.

"Ouch!" I flinch as if it really hurt. "okaay okay".

"You lucky to have these full eye lashes at your rescue" She smiles as we walk into VIP and get to work. The VIP had a few new faces, but like I said you never know what to expect with Roulettes. Sometimes these guys put me on edge with their hushed tones and cigar smoke blowing everywhere. I notice the way they look and stare shamelessly at my body as if they undressing me with their eyes. I ignore it for the sake of not alarming Carlos, he might change his mind about me coming out at all.

The night went quick serving for about three hours. Tally did most of the serving while I made the drinks and left with a hefty tip that we end up splitting.

Kicking off my six inch heels from my tired feet when I close my bedroom door behind me. I sprawl over my bed with an exaggerated stretch, reaching for my phone from the side of my pink pillow. I check my phone for the latest gossip as it pops up on Google. News were going crazy about the bodies they found a few months ago and the suspected mafia related names came up. I cringe at the uploaded pictures of the murder scene and basically run my eyes through the tabloid quickly before starting up the laptop readying myself to watch this new romance movie Ching suggested.

I was exhausted of the day I had, so focusing on the movie as I lay in my pajamas was pretty hard. Must be the playful dancing I did with the girls and all the baking with Ching. Half way into the movie I fell into a deep sleep. But it was my dream that had startled me awake at 4 in the morning with a jolt.

This dream comes quite so often to me. Where Im laughing, sharing glances in a place filled with music and friendly faces and all of a sudden I'm in a moving vehicle, a smash and screeching sounds of tires until another loud bang.

A.N. Please vote and leave comments. Unedited draft, but I hope you enjoy the rest of the story

Chosen For Karalina >Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt