Chapter 6

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〰️Leonardo Pov〰️

Present time

I pour myself a drink as I listen to Antonia, my oldest friend, brother and right hand man. His been apologizing profusely about not being by my side when Alessandro was murdered. I haven't seen him for a few months now. I didnt want to see him. My mind was running a mile this past few months, assuming the worst about Antonio being involved in the ambush against me and my brothers. He was cleared when my private investigator confirmed Antonio was indeed occupied in a family crisis with the Lopez.

"Where were you anyway?.. That night" I ask as I gulp down the warm drink.

"Uncle needed me." His definitely hiding something from me.

"How is he holding up?" While in Italy I heard rumors the old man had a mental breakdown a few months after his daughter's death. Never had the pleasure of meeting her, but they talk of her beauty.

"His doing much better. Seems to be himself again." He doesn't sound convincing.

"Good, let's go. I need to make a few stops at the other clubs after this show at Roulette..."

My mind wonders back to this past week I've been busy at Roulette. Monday I spoke to all the ladies including Carlos about the changes and construction got started immediately. I couldn't take my eyes off this Kara chick she was something else. She was smiling at everyone offering them the coffees and treats I was sure to order for everyone before I got there.

I tried to start conversation and made sure to ask her for the day before reports and when she handed them over our fingers brushed slightly before she pulled them back so quickly. I smiled and said "thanks" she just nodded and replied "your welcome", smiled and turned away, not giving me a chance to get a word in.

Tuesday was when I knew this girl was genuine. Something I haven't seen in a long time. She was like Cinderella, helping everyone out and she seemed so pleased with herself when her task was done.

Wednesday.. Jesus Wednesday was the reason why I never went back there on Thursday. Instead, I face timed Matteo letting him show me things. This is not something I normally hide from.. So back to Wednesday, oh my God. I called Kara again for the reports thinking I could maybe discuss her pay and add her name on the books noticing she doesn't get a salary, but does more than any of those lazy bitches. She was clutching the report to her chest as she approached me with these spandex pants she loves so much and low cut tank top and high heel black boots. I took in her appearance as I leaned against a table with my arms crossed over my chest. She was finally right infront of me when some Chinese chick came out of nowhere calling to check something out. Kara was about to turn and leave to this chicks side when I noticed two construction guys carrying a table and the one walking backwards about to knock her. With my quick reflexes "watch out" I pulled her back flush against my front. And thats when it happened.. My dick twitched against her ass. I was holding both her arms on either side. I know she felt it, because she immediately tensed and froze looking straight ahead still standing against me. Until she just walked off.. Practically ran. Normally I wouldn't be embarrassed. I'm quite proud of this member I have, but this time he was out of line. I left the club immediately to sort my shit out.

"Do you perhaps know a Kara that works there?" Hoping Antonio could give me information on her.

"Maybe" He says so quick as he makes his way to the driver side. "Why?"

"Just asking. Haven't seen her there before... Or anyone like her in my whole life" I stare in a daze at the road ahead as the memory of her dancing comes to mind. "Long brown hair. Nice ass.."

"Yeeeeaaahhhh stay away from her" He brings me abruptly out of my thoughts. Who the fuck does he think he is? Is he into her?

"Why? I thought you didn't know her?" I focus on him while his driving.

"What happened to Mona?" Antonia changes the subject.

"Why does everyone assume I was actually serious about her?" I ask annoyed.

"Because she made everyone believe you were." He states the obvious.

"Oh the new band your called a favor in for is playing tonight by the way.." I remind him. "How did they earn a gig anyway?" I didn't want Carlos to think I was mixing business with pleasure so I made it sound more professional.. Why would I have a bunch of guys singing on stage at a "Gentleman's club".

"I'm kind of seeing this kids sister.. Trying to get in the good books" he smiles. "I think I like her.. You know?"

"She better be worth it, because you just wasted your one time favor on her brother." I chuckle at this.

I look up to the building as we pull up and notice movement in one of the store rooms at Roulette. It should be locked, Carlos has no business up there. I make my way inside quickly.

My phone buzzes as a waitress places our drinks down. Antonia and my brothers are so deep in conversation. "Thank you" I mumble to her but didnt look up from my phone.

"Your welcome, sir" She says politely and sauntered off to the other tables. I hated it when people called me sir. Made me sound like a old geyser.

I havent seen this Kara yet and I've been sitting here watching ladies dance on stage provocatively for the last hour. When we arrived Carlos immediately ushered us to our table and hasn't been up here since I asked him for a word in private later. The ladies walked off stage in their sexy costumes for the night. It's quite entertaining I must say. I look out for Kara again but I don't spot her.

Soft music begins to play. "I'm going to the gents, we can leave in ten" They all agree, Matteo and Antonio decide they also have to go. But just as I was about to stand up I hear a soft powerful voice. When I look on stage and see her singing... So beautiful... All of her. I sit down and watch her sing to the crowd. This really is the best seat in the house. I couldn't help but feel something warm inside as if im happy to see her, like I knew her from before. As if I missed her. Weird, I don't even know this chick.

She turns to face me again and sings so beautifully. Oh my God that dress really was made for her.. I look up to her face again and find she's still looking at me. She takes in my whole profile, wait, shes totally eye focking me right now. Its as if she's singing to me.. I don't want this song to ever end. But it does end and the lights go off. Where the fock did she go? I didn't even realize I was clapping my hands. "wow" was all I could say to the boys. They gave me a knowing look. "What?" I spit out.

"I know that look" Michele says.

"Mmmhmm, remember what I said.. Okay?" Antonia asks the last part to me soflty.

As if I take orders from him. His not even my advisor. "I mean she's beautiful." Michele says and cocks his head slightly to the side. "I just think she doesn't totally belong in our world... She's toooo.... Nice?"

"Too nice?.. Im nice... Where's Carlos? I need to discuss something with him." Changing the subject not sure where this conversation is going I stretch my neck to find him.

"I thought we were leaving" Joey chimes in.

"There he goes" Matteo points him out. "With yours truelly." Carlos guides Kara to the dance floor by her hand and starts dancing slow to the song this guy band is playing. I feel a nerve throb when his hand moves to her lower back. One hand in hers and she holds his shoulder resting her head on it. They seem so comfortable and when she slowly moves I notice her bare back on show.. Fock me!

I think I might take her home..

"We should go." What is Antonio's deal? "I can give him the message before we go check out that new club"

"Thats a good idea. In fact, go talk to him now about that store room while I cut in and ask for a dance by that beautiful woman I plan on pursuing." He looks defeated, takes a second to look at me and walks to Carlos.

I follow a distance behind him waiting for the right timing. But not before I hear..

"Did he say pursue?" Michele asks the brothers with a chuckle. I can already tell the confused looks on their faces.

Nobody tells Leonardo Demarco what the fock to do.

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