Fated Meeting

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The waves are so beautiful. The sea looks so blue bathe with the warm afternoon sunshine. This is their most favorite view in the world. Seated together on the sand, they enjoyed it.

“Hey, do you still plan to go to Bangkok and be a guitarist?”

“Of course! I dream to do good music with a band and go on tours in Thailand or maybe around the world!”

“I see. Then let’s make a promise!”

“Eeeeh? What promise?”

“Let’s promise to this beach that you will be one-hell of a guitarist and I will be a very good photographer that will definitely take good pictures of you and your band!”

“I like that! So it is a promise then?”

“Yeah, a promise!”

--- § ---


Captain shouted as he approached Perth and slap him at the back.

“Ouch, what’s that slap for?”

Perth asked as he looked annoyingly at Captain.

“Well, it is because everyone was calling you already but you seem like you are not here. You were just blankly looking at the beach!”

Captain sarcastically explained.

“Oooh, sorry. Is it time to leave?”

“Yeah, so what were you thinking? Is it a girl?”

“It has nothing to do with you.”

Perth playfully responded and ran towards the others, leaving Captain behind who followed, smiling, White looked at Perth worriedly inside their van after the short break. They headed to their next live in Pattaya.

“Hey, Perth, you were really spaced out earlier. Is there any problem?”

“Ohhh that, I’m sorry. I just remembered something while looking at the beach.”

Captain smirked before cutting in their conversation.

“Maybe he remembered some girl from his hometown.”

“C’mon, Captain! Stop with that assumption.”

“I never heard about Perth having left some girl from our home. I want to know.”

Yatch was looking so confused like he was trying to remember something really hard.

“Hahaha, there is no story like that. Sorry to disappoint you, Yatch.”

Perth answered in a very sarcastic manner. The three laughed at how annoyed Perth was. Perth just kept quiet and looked outside.

“Why did I remember that now?”

--- § ---

They arrived in Pattaya and in a few hours they’ll be doing their first one-man concert here. Everyone is busy putting up the stage and equipments. The four- man band helping out in any way they could until the sound check. Their manager came in together with a new guy.

“Everyone, this is Saint Suppapong. He will be working with us as our official photographer starting today.” Their manager started the introduction. Everyone was all ears except for Perth who was so busy setting up his guitar set.

“Saint, any words for the band and staff?”

The manager said, signalling Saint to speak.

“Ahhhm, hello everyone.”

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