damn right we take turns being wrong

552 21 12

She found herself being lost in the music as she swayed side to side. She clutched her drink close to her, occasionally taking big chunks hoping it will take her mind off her mother. 

Fucking mama.

First, she had to name her Magnolia, and then she had to be an overbearing, OCD, druggy?

Fuck her, for real.

She had vodka and figured it was strong enough. She was only on her fifth glass. 

Charlie, Charlie was on his seventh. 

He sat at the bar observing the auras around him. He saw women trying to twerk but passing out due to the overtake of alcohol. He saw men looking at women and probably thinking about raping them. 

Fucking men. 

He was gonna lay off them for a while. They were always trouble. Always hurting you. 

He took a sip of his glass of Don Julio and almost gagged. He hated the taste but it reminded him of him. He loved Don Julio. Charlie missed him but was glad to be away from him. It was for the best. 

He gulped the whole thing down and asked for another one. 

Nola's mouth turned down. She was all out of vodka. She wanted to keep dancing but she wanted to keep drinking more. 

She moved through the plethora of people. Some dudes tried to cop a feel but she easily hurried away. 

She called for the bartender and flashed her boobs since she was out of money. He smirked and asked her what she wanted. 

"Vodka," She said with a flirty smile. 

She noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye. 

There was a pale slim man with a distraught look on his face. 

Aww. He's so cute, sad, and cute. 

She got her drink and sashayed over to him. 

"What's wrong with you?" She asked the sad man. 

His eyes bored into her soul. 

"Is that your business?" his voice was deep and gruff. 

"No, but you need someone to let it all out to. And I'm not gonna remember anything you say so."

He scoffed, "Who the fuck are you?"

She extended her hand, "Nola, you?"

He took it, "Charlie."

"Cute name for a cute boy."

"You think I'm cute?"

"You know you cute I'm not finna boost your ego."

He laughed, "sit down."

"Thank god! These shoes are killing me."

She sat down and crossed her legs. 

"So what's the problem, I'm Dr.Phil for tonight."

He smiled, "It's um," he cleared his throat, "it's my boyfriend. He...I broke up with him."

"That's tuff. What was the problem, he didn't fuck good?"

He laughed, "anything but."

Charlie bit his lip. He remembered when Tony used to stick his fingers in his mouth. He remembered when he used to choke him. And shit, all the positions they used to use.

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