I get real accountable when I'm alone.

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The burning sun streamed down her golden face as she woke up on this dreadful Sunday morning.

Nola was used to the headaches, so the pain was bearable. What she wasn't used to the ache in her thighs and the hickeys on her neck.

She sighed. Why would he leave like that?

Yes, he was crying but she held him. Everything was fine.

But she was glad she didn't tell her the real reason why she was fucked up. She was glad she wasn't that drunk to spill.

She sat up and rubbed her aching head. Her curls were probably flat against her head; she should've worn a wig. 

Nola stretched and fluffed out her curls trying to look presentable. The bed was comfortable for a club bed and she had slept soundly. 

Swinging her legs over the bed she placed her feet on the carpeted floor and pushed up only to fall down. Her legs were wobbly and weak; he had done her good. 

She crawled to her clothes, which were all over the floor. She blushed at last night's events. The way he called her his bad girl. It turned her on.

She shook her head to clear the thoughts. Mama was going to so pissed. 

Yes, Nola was always mad at her mother. Her mother would judge her for drinking when she was drunk and high herself. She would always bark at Nola for the littlest things. She would always call Nola ghetto when she wore box braids. 

Yes, she hated her mother sometimes but she loved her sometimes too. Her mother took care of her when she was sober so why not return the favor. But Nola was 23 and it was time to move on.

She was so excited that she finally had a job. This was her first act of independence. But maybe she would hire somebody to look after her mother when she wasn't around or force her mother into rehab.

She sighed as she finished putting on her clothes and limped out of the room. There were still people here. Most were passed out. She checked the time on her phone. 

"Shit," she cursed.

Yep, her mom is going to go bat shit. 

"Where the fuck were you?!" Nola heard as soon as she walked in the door. 

Their apartment was small and comfy if you could ignore the cracks in the ceiling and walls, also the millions of liquor scattered all over the place. 

"Did you take your medicine, Ma?" Nola sighed kicking off her heels. 

"Answer me you dumb slut!"

Nola winced, why da fuck is you so loud, and slowly closed her eyes and counted to ten. She needed to calm down. She needed to be calm around her mother. 

"I was out late running errands," Nola lied, "I stayed over at a friend's house."

"You don't have any fucking friends! And why the fuck do you look like such a whore?!"

That's fucking it, "I'm a grown-ass fucking woman! I do what the fuck I want!"

"Don't you raise your fucking voice at me! And not under my fucking house you ain't!"

"Maybe I should fucking leave then."

"Fine get the fuck out! Just like that stupid nigga of your father!"

She tensed at that word and the mention of her father. Her emotions were running wild and her anger wanted to burst out of her. 

"Shut the fuck up you stupid racist white bitch!"

"Well, this racist white bitch is your fucking mother!"

"More like a crack whore than a mother!"

"Fuck you!" her mother yelled and threw a Hennessy bottle, "get the fuck out!"

The bottle shattered as it hit the wall. Hennessy got all over Nola's face and hair. 

She rushed to get out the door and closed it hoping to never see her mother's face again. 

Nola cranked up her cheap car and swerved out of the gate. She picked up her phone and dialed Darius, her old fuck buddy. She hadn't seen him in several months. 

"Nola? What the fuck?," He said when he answered the phone. 

"I need a place to stay," she answered on the verge of tears. 

He sighed, "It's yo moms again?"

"What else."

He huffed, "I got chu."

She let out a relieved sigh, "Thanks D."

"Anytime, la."

Charlie whimpered and cried some more into his pillow. 

He couldn't stop thinking about Tony. He invaded his mind and didn't come out. 

Aw is my baby boy crying? You know I hate it when you cry. 

Fuck him, Charlie kept saying in his mind, fuckhimfuckhimfuckhimfuckhim.

You'll always be my good boy. 

He hugged his pillow some more. 

Charlie loved Tony with his whole heart. His mind. His body. Everything. 

He shouldn't be sad. He broke up with Tony. But there was no doubt in his heart that he would die for Tony, that for one was scary. But it was the fact that he would die for Tony that was absolutely terrifying. And how could he still be with him after what he did...

A knock on his door startled him. He groaned and stood up, wiping his eyes as he walked towards the door. 

"Damn bitch you look rough," Danny exclaimed as he strutted through the door taking Charlie aback. 

"Danny bro what the fuck?" Danny smiled then went straight to his fridge, "What are you doing here?"

"wow don't get too excited," Danny rolled his eyes as he drank the last of the fruit punch, "You didn't answer any of my calls last night. I was worried sick so I came to see you like the good best friend that I am."

Charlie sucked his teeth, "I went to a club last night."

"Without me!"

"Yeah, I needed to blow off some steam."

"Oh yeah? Who did you blow," Danny smirked raising his eyebrows. 

Charlie blushed remembering the beautiful girl from last night, "actually she's a girl."

"Oh wow! I forgot you were on the pussy and dick shit."


"So how'd you do? You been with a man for so long."

"Good I guess, she came like 3 times I think."

"Alright, playa. Wait, why are your eyes so red."


"It's Tony isn't it?"

Charlie couldn't meet his eyes.

"Really wigga? Was the dick really that good?"

It was. It really was. 

"You thinking about it ain't you?" Danny sighed and rolled his eyes, "that muthafucka doesn't deserve your tears. Especially after what he did."

"I know."

"But I know what you feel like. It took me a while to get over Kenny. Just take your time. You'll be alright."

Charlie really hoped Danny was right because Charlie felt like he was dying. 

Hi! Second chapter tell me what you think. Vote, comment I live for them and I'll see you when I see you. 

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