New life

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Two years later ..

She was walking through the forest stealthily following the trails that led to the high road carefully not to make a single noise .She held her breath aware of every single sound of leaves and branches being broken by weight.She can see the trail ending as the dense forest surrounding her seemed to clear up .The sound of the wheels of car screeching  against the road can be heard .She mentally did a happy dance of victory  biting her lips so that she does not make any sound .Yes yes a bit more a bit .She almost made it.So close  ........

"Forget something "whispered a voice behind her head .Lisa's heart leapt at her throat.She spinned like hurricane .

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh" screamed  a  voice

Liza broke into fits of laughter seeing her bestfriend fearstricken face  she uttered  between fits of her laughter "You should have seen your faces it was pricelesss Layla ."

Layla frowned her erraticaly  beating  heart calmed and she fumed "thats cheating Liz,you are a cheater Stop laughing like an mad man you still lose the bet i found  you before you reach the finishing point "she grumbled

"Tsk tsk thats where you are wrong Darling i am not a mad man i am a mad woman "retorted Liza falling into another fits of laughter  "and yo_u you got scared of the mask what happened to the brave Layla Hansley ha?and all that look about i_am_the _forest_girl_animals _and _ghosts _are_my_friends"

Layla's frown deepened as she stuttered so w_hat i _am i am   not scared  .Its just when i saw my bestfriends beautiful face turned ghost white no face i _i whatever now stop lauging and give me my treat you  lose the bet after all .I won like every year" grinning she started towards their home not waiting for Liz to get back on her feet and catch up to her .

Lizbath's life changed adruptly when her foster parents now legally adopted parents enrolled her to the local highschool to say she was nervous would be the understatement of the century she was a wreck .The first  day of the School was disaster  all she was trying  to do was hide cause the students seemed to snap their attention to her wherever she went in the campus.It was like they had  softwere hooked into their head and she was a mouse in their radar. She laughed thinking about the first time layla talked to her she was trying really hard  to hide behind the

her mountain of books  .

"Hey do you want me  to help you with those it seems heavy "smiled Layla .

After that they started talking .She introduced Liza to all her friends they immediately hit off  .Now here she stands  all tall and confident  as they are about to graduate in a month .Their exams are over with only waiting the results in which she knows she will score great as she scored all her life .
Zalla is the best thing that happened to her life .

"Hey wait for me "scowling she got up on her  feet as she  found Layla disappearing into the dark forest  making her way towards their community.

Ahh she sighed and started dragging her foots in the familiar path.

"What's that " She looked behind fear gripped her nerves she looked sideways trying to look past the trees

"Its just  rabbit or a bird " she assured herself but she can't get this nagging feeling of being watched from her mind .Whenever she found her self alone she gets this awful vive of something or someone was watching her and it frightened her shitless.
Don't be such a niny let's go home quickly and take a nice warm bath Sofie will make us our hot chocolate

That thought of hotchocolate evaporated all sense of her previous fright as she remained clueless to the one watching her closely

Mine .

*******hello friends merry Christmas to you all.:)
Hope you liked this chapter .I am trying really hard to entertain you guys. Please support me with you votes and comments if you want me to continue .I know its just the start and i am not  giving up .

Ah !yes the picture at top is of Damon the second lead role. Enjoy and Goodnight. Its 1:57am here and iam getting extremely sleepy bye. See you at the next update .

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