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"Do you have morning practice today?" Daichi asks me. I shake my head no in response. "Perfect!"

"But, I also don't want to go to your practice." I quickly tell him.

His expression slightly drops and his excitement fades away.

"Why not?" he questions.

I would say it's because, I didn't even get a wink of sleep last night. But, it's really because, I don't want to see him.

He waits for my reply, but I couldn't find the words.

"Come on. Just show up for today. I want to do our...you know.....pickings." he awkwardly whines, like a child.

I forgot we're doing that with them.


But this is the last time


While the boys practiced this morning, I wrote down everyone's names on separate pieces of paper.

I pile them into a bowl and bring them to Daichi.

"Thanks." he cups his hands and starts to shout. "We're ending early! Line up!"

Everyone jogged over and stood in front of us.

It seemed extra difficult today. Avoiding eye contact with Kageyama.

"What's in the bowl? What's the bowl for?" Hinata started jumping around and tried to take the papers.

I dodged all of his grabs and ended up, kicking him back to the line.

"Oh, is this the Secret Santa stuff?" Ennoshita noticed.

I nod my head and start stirring the papers.

"Me first! Me first!" Noya jumps around and approaches me.

I stick my arm out, with the bowl and he dramatically covers his eyes. His other hand went berserk with the papers.

"Hurry up." Suga complains.

Noya pulls his arm out and dashed off to the corner, silently giggling to himself.

"My turn!" Tanaka sings and marches up. "I want Kiyoko!"

"You don't get to choose." Daichi tells him.

"But, I want to get Kiyoko!" Tanaka replies, getting more fussy.

"Pick." I order him.

My level of patience has become a thin line as of recently. Especially, when I hangout with these guys.

"It better be Kiyoko" he mutters and rummaged through the bowl.

He finally pulls one out and his eyes light up.

"Sweet, I got Suga!" he holds up a high-five, but nobody gives him one.

"You're not supposed to say who you got." Tadashi tells him.

"Pick again." I order again.

"I already chose Suga." he confesses and pouts.

"Pick again."

A nerve struck in my forehead and my, no sleep, crankiness kicked in.



Tanaka nervously smiles at me and squints his eyes. As he reaches in, swiftly grabbing a name then running away.

Everyone took turns, sticking their hand in the bowl.

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