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"Good morning." Kayou greets me.

I find Kageyama and her in the kitchen, after I woke up without him in sight.

"Good morning." I give them a kind smile and lean on the counter.

Kageyama's eyes were hardly open and I noticed his head kept falling back down. But, Kayou kept it up every time.

"Look at my son! He woke up early to make you this beautiful breakfast." Kayou excitedly displays.

I look at the table and it had some of my favorite breakfast dishes. Chocolate chip pancakes, hmm.

She happily organizes the meal and takes pictures.

"M-Morning Sho-Shorty." Kageyama tries to say, but his words were even droopy.

"Hm, wake up Tobes." I walk over and plant a little kiss on his cheek.

I watched his eyes widen and a tint of pink formed on his face.

"Tobio, go get the milk." his mother orders.

I could tell he feels saved, from embarrassment.

As he took the milk carton out of the fridge, I saw the slightest glimpse of it. Immediately, I reach for it.

"Hold on." I examine the carton and open it. The moment the stench hit my nose, I nearly gagged. "This is bad."

"Hm?" Kayou took the milk and smelled it herself. She then handed it to Kageyama and even sat down.

The milk is two weeks expired.

"Tobio, you told me the milk is still good." Kayou points out.

"And it is." he states.

Kageyama takes a chug of the milk and had a satisfied smile afterwards.

"Tobes." I disappointingly mutter under my breath.

"Give me this!" Kayou takes the milk from him and pours it into the sink. "Could you two go grocery shopping for me, after breakfast?"

"Okay." Kageyama and I say together.

Miwa walks into the room, already in going out clothes and had some makeup on.

"Good morning sweetie." Kayou greets.

"Morning. Mom, brother, Soap Girl. I have a job interview, so I'll be out for a while." she announces.

After taking a pancake, she exits the house.

"Like she'll ever get a job." Kageyama laughs.



"Grab the milk from the back. It's fresher." I tell Kageyama.

"Could we also get a chocolate one?" he asks me.

I look at the grocery list his mom gave us and didn't see any chocolate milk written down.

"Did your mom give you money for it?" I counter.

He gets the milk out from the back and puts it in the basket. He stares at the chocolate milk, then back at me.

His stupid convincing face.

"How badly do you want it?" I find myself asking.

"Weally badly." he pouts.

"Ugh, fine. I'll pay for it with my own money." I give in.

He gladly takes the chocolate milk and adds it into the basket. Which got a lot heavier.

We continued our little trip together and looked around for each item, Kayou wrote.

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