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"I-I-I-I'm not sure if I, um....If I have everything. Do- Do I, have everything? D-Do you? Now's the time to check, I mean if we d-"

"Padema. You're doing it again."

I look over at my boyfriend and give him squinted eyes. With pure worry, swarming through my blood.

"Boy, I haven't heard my Padema this talkative, ever since grade school. Tobio, what have you done with my daughter?" my dad laughs.

"I bet he and Padema had intercou-"

"HELL IS HOT, DAICHI SAWAMURA!" I shout, nearly out of my seat.

My mom, dad and brother, took the liberty of taking Kageyama and I to the train station this morning.

The entire ride, I've been freaking out. I don't even think I slept last night.

"How about you nap Padema. I heard you working out late, again." my mom exposes.

"Why don't you-" I stop speaking, the moment I saw her eyes looking at me through the mirror. "Tch, whatever."

Without much room, I use Kageyama as my pillow.

{Kageyama's POV}

It only took a few minutes for Padema to fall asleep.

Yes! This is the perfect time to study more, with that cool dictionary she gave me! Because frankly...I have no clue what I'm saying!

"Oi, Kageyama." Daichi's scary voice was heard.

All he's done is give me death glares this morning. I wish I could talk back, without getting conditioning.

"What did, you do?" he asks and leans over his sister, that sat in between us.

"S-Sorry?" With the limited space in the car, I can't move as much.

"Just like my old man said-"

"Did you just call me old?!" their father yells at him from the passengers seat.

It must be a Sawamura thing. Cause, I'm scared outta my mind right now.

"Dad, I'm just making a point here." Daichi whispers. "I mean, my sister wouldn't even leave the house, unless it was for school of course. What did you do- no. How did you do it?"

"Do....what, exactly?" I ask him.

Oh no. Did they find out about the time that I spilled her milk on her?


"I think what my son is trying to ask is....How did you manage to date my daughter?" their mom asks.

Hmm. How did I date her?

"Well, I asked her out ma'am." I tell her.

All three Sawamura's let out a disappointed sigh. That must be a Sawamura thing too...Padema does that to me, a lot.

"Oh, we're here. Wake the bride up." their mom says.


She bursts out laughing and parks the car. "I'm just messing around with you."

"O-Oh." I lightly say.

If I was getting married today, I think I'm a bit underdressed.

"PADEMA!" Daichi suddenly yells.

My cute, little girlfriend, jumps awake.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" she shouts and smacks her brother in the arm.

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