3: Human to Human Love

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Love is weird. There isn't really any other way to describe it. It's powerfully, happy, weak, sad, and weird, always weird.

        I say "Human to Human Love" a lot. I believe that "Human to Human Love" is the love between 2 people who have never met. When I say "I Love You My Darlings!" I mean it with the entirety of my heart. It is my love for y'all, though we have never met.

          Human to Human Love is walking down the sidewalk and moving 6 feet away so other people can stay on the sidewalk. It is grabbing napkins for the peson who just spilled a coffee all over their outfit. It is smiling to every person you see, even if you don't really feel like.

       These may seem very insignificant to you but they could make someone's day. The person on the sidewalk could have a hurt ankle. The person who spilled their coffee might have just bought that outfit, or it's their favorite one. The people you smile to might have had a horrible day and you smiling might make them feel a little better, feel a bit more loved.

           That's what I mean when I say "I love you my darlings!". I do love y'all, just not in the way most people might think. I love y'all in the way that I would smile at you if I met you, I would grab napkins for you if you spilled your drink, I would move to let you pass on the sidewalk. I would treat you nicely because on a completely and utterly basic level, I love you. I love everyone I pass on the street, see from my car, read comments from. I love you on a human to human level.


              I hope y'all know that human to human love is not less worthy of your attention just because I don't know you. It's not "not as good as real love" because it is real love, just different love.

  I love you my darlings!

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