Chapter 3: A New Orleans Tussle

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A/N: Before I start writing any of this chapter out, I'm making a few edits of creative liberty here. What I am doing is that I am changing Raff around from being a dark brown Saint Bernard to a darker brown German Shepherd with a slightly crooked jaw. Is that something that could actually happen with dogs, I don't exactly know, but I thought I'd change it due to how I changed his looks over the years. Other than that, everything else should be staying the same. Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy this next chapter of this book!


Something had really stuck with Raff after his talk with Annabelle was over. Just the thought of something bad brewing up made his fur crawl. It's not like he exactly had a great life before he came to Heaven. Not at all, in fact, he had been a police dog during the 1930s, basically being undercover to sniff out Carface and Charlie's gambling site and casino, trying to make sure that he could try and charge them with that. Unluckily, Carface found out and ended up killing him in some.....

Uncomfortable and odd ways.

That's not truly important though, what is important is that his mission had never gone anywhere after that. He came to Heaven, shocked out of his mind, but had proved himself loyal and hard-working to Annabelle over that time frame. He had done everything asked of him and more, wanting to ensure that Heaven was working properly without fault. That was how he got the second in command job for Heave after all. Ensuring everything went well on Earth with the angels or other dogs, and to fix problems and messed up areas where need be. It was a good gig for him, allowing him to do what he loved best still, but also ensuring that Heaven stayed in tip-top shape. That was the goal of Annabelle and himself after all. So, that was his goal: To find out what happened to the missing angel. The missing angel known as Molly. She had been a good girl, quite sweet and nice when living on Earth, but had just simply reached old age and kicked the bucket. That was common for many dogs, only a few ever had bad fates such as Raff, or Charlie. Why she had gone back to Earth was a simple answer, her wanting to see her friends again one last time, before returning to Heaven to meet them later on. Raff had to admit, it was a nice ask, so he gave her the go-ahead. What he hadn't accounted for was her to go missing and the watch connection to be completely severed. That really never did happen with those things and if they did, they were usually forced by the dog. Still, the dogs who wore them and used them never did so, mainly to keep in contact with Annabelle and Raff in case something went wrong.

"Now where did that watch venture off to?..." He muttered to himself, racing all over Heaven trying to find a glimpse down at the world to find it. No luck so far, but he'd find it eventually. If he couldn't? Well, he might be in deep trouble with Annabelle because of it. She probably already knew it was missing, but he had to ensure that it was at least found on Earth, even if they couldn't retrieve it just yet. That was the goal for now, to find the watch, retrieve it, and ensure that no parts were broken or messed with, so it could be used for future use. Of course, the other objective was to find Molly as well, that was a given. His thought process was that she was probably still somewhere and the watch was nearby. Was that the case he found so far? No, not at all. It wasn't a huge worry yet. It was just a case of one watch missing until he spotted it. At first, it was a great relief, him having found it somewhere in the area close of New Orleans. And... Back at the old casino boat. Why was it there? Raff had to find out, so he came down to get a closer look. He couldn't be seen by the naked eye, that was always a relief, but the person wearing the watch could always see the angels that came down to watch over them, or who came to speak to the person with the watch as well. That was what threw Raff completely off hearing someone speaking to him as soon as he entered the boat, sitting on a table nearby, but unable to be seen due to the overgrowth of plants covering the wreck.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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