Rivals x For x Survival

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Italics- what you are thinking
(Y/n)- Your name

(Y/n) POV)
Thanks to help of the navigator, we arrived at Zaban city. "A navigators main job is to identify worthy applicants for the hunters exam. We are also responsible for getting them to the exam site. You see, that's because it's almost impossible to find the location without a navigator." The son explained, 'I wonder how Killua found the exam site..' I looked around for Gon because he disappeared from my side, I saw him going from shop to shop. "Come on, Gon! Let's go!" I yelled, I didn't hear what Leorio said to the son. "Okay!" Gon ran back towards us.

"Here we are." The son said,
"I'm pretty sure that's the building." We all looked up at a really tall building, but I knew that wasn't it and looked down to the smaller one that said 'Gohan'. Gon, Kurapika and Leorio walked towards the tall building and started to say things I didn't bother to listen to. "Oi! What are y'all doing?! It's over here!!" I yelled, pointing to the 'Gohan' building. "Come on, you're messing with us, right? It looks like a regular restaurant. You're telling me that Hunter applications from all over the globe come to this old drive to take the exam?" Leorio questioned, "Thats exactly right." The son said, the others gasped while I stayed quiet. "The Hunter exam attracts millions of applicants every year. And no one would expect the exam to be held here, right?" The son explained, "Good point." Leorio mumbled.

When we walked in I heard sizzling, "Man, I'm hungry, and this place isn't helping." I thought out loud, 'I wonder if I have food on me?' I checked my backpack and sure enough there was a chocolate bar. 'How did that get in there? Who knows, but now I have a snack for later.' "Welcome! Take a seat!" The chef said, 'Don't mind if I do! Oh wait, I forgot, this is to get in the elevator so we can go to the exam room.' I sighed, "Is the back room available?" The son asked, "What are you having?" "The steak combo, please. The one that'll make us see the light. Make it four." 'Mannnn, I wish we were actually going to eat that.' "Combo for four, eh? How do you want them cooked?"
"Grilled slowly over a low flame 'til done, please." "Got it. See yourselves to the back room."

"Okay, Wait here."
"Where are all the other applicants?" Leorio asked,
"I can't wait for that steak combo!" Gon said, "Gonnn, don't say that. You're going to make me wish that were actually getting ittttt." I said sitting down on the floor. "I see, so you figured it out too? It was just a password to get us inside. There's no steak combo." When Kurapika said that anime tears fell down my face, 'I wish I ate something before all this.' "Okay. So, we don't get to eat?" Gon confirmed. "Only one in ten thousand. You're very lucky. That's how many ever make it this far. Nice job. You did great for first timers. Well, Good luck to you." The son said, "Thanks for your help!" Gon said happily holding his arm out for the son to shake, the son shook gons hand and said,"I hope that next year, I can help you again." And left, "Hey, Wait a minute, does that mean he doesn't think we will pass?" I mumbled, just as I said that the floor started to go down. "It seems this room is actually an elevator." Kurapika thought out loud. "That explains it. That bastard thinks he will see us again next year because he expects us to fail!" Leorio stated, 'I just said that.' "Once every three years." Kurapika mumbled, "What's that?" Leorio asked.
"It's how often rookie passes the exam." "It's that unsual?" Gon asked, "It is. Some can't handle it. It's too medically and physically taxing. It's also not too uncommon for veterans to break the rookies so badly that they never retake the test." Kurapika explained, "So that's why people who want to be hunters always are willing to risk everything for it." Gon asked, Leorio then stood up and said,
"You've hit the nail right on the head, my little friend! Being a hunter means making more money than anyone in the world!"
"Wrong!" Kurapika yelled while standing up, "People become hunters to join the worlds most noble profession!"
"Shut up, goody-goody!"
"Selfish money grubber!"
"You kids listen up! There's a list of hundred richest people every year and every single year, there are over 50 hunters who make the list. That's more than half!" Leorio yelled at us, 'How did I get dragged into this?!' Kurapika movers the table spinner and said,"There are some hunters, sad to say, who seek treasure and wild game. But they're second rate. True hunters work tirelessly to maintain order in society as well as in nature!"
"Oh, screw that! Once you're a hunter, it's free to enter most countries! And faculties. No charge! How's that for benefits, huh?" Kurapika moved the table spinner again.
"Hunters have many difficult and important responsibilities preserving artifacts and species, catching crooks and even apprehending rogue hunters."
"It's the fame and fortune! That's why people want to become hunters!"
"No, it's conviction, profound knowledge, and a sound mind and body! Traits that are a true hunters pride!" At this point they were both growling, "Hey, Gon, (Y/n)! Which of us do you agree with?! What kind of Hunter will you be?!" They yelled simultaneously. "Well, when you put it that way... I think (Y/n) will make the right choice!" They all look at me "Huh?! Well, I, uh, maybe- *Ding* Oh, would you look at that, I think we've arrived." "We'll finish this later." Leorio said, Gon sighed with relief as I playfully glared at him. He chuckled and apologized as we walked out.

The wish that changed my life || HxH (Killua x reader x Gon)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя