Solution x Is x Majority X Rules

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Italics- what you are thinking

(Y/n) POV)

I woke up to the sound of someone talking, "I sincerely apologize for the long wait. The airship will be arriving at its destination shortly." Beans said.
I got up, went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth.

We got off the airship on a tall tower, 'Wow, look at the view! It's so pretty!' Then I heard Beans clear his throat, "Everyone, this is the site of the Hunter exam's third phase. You'll be competing here at the top of the track tower."
"Did you say trick tower?" A man asked. "In order to pass this phase, you must reach the base of the tower alive. The time limit is 72 hours. And with that, the exams third phase will not begin. Good luck to each and everyone of you."

Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio and I looked over the edge. "Now what? Are we supposed to climb down?" Leorio asked. "Well, I hope not. That would be suicide." Kurapika said. Then a guy behind us chuckled, "Sure, for most guys." We all turned to look at him, he was number 86. He started climbing down the wall while saying, "For an expert rock climber like me, this is gonna be a piece of cake." "Look how fast he's going!" Gon said amazed. Then I heard some noises that were getting louder and louder. I looked over to see these weird bird like things flying around him as he screamed. Until one scooped him up in their mouth and flew away with the others following. "Uh, so, I guess we can't climb down, not this way at least." Leorio mumbled. "Yeah." Kurapika said clearly shocked.

We spit up to find another way down, I am with Gon and Killua, looking for trap doors. We found some and called Kurapika and Leorio over.
"What is it, Gon?" Kurapika asked jogging over to us with Leorio following. "Look at this. We found a trap door. Check it out!" Gon said pushing down on a tile. Leorio gasped, "I see, so the only way that we can reach the lower levels is by turning over the stones." Kurapika said. "Okay, good job! Now what do you say we head on down?" Leorio said.
"Okay, but I'm sort of confused."
"Why? What is there to be confused about?" Leorio asked.
"There's one, and one there, and another, and another, and another one right over there. There's a lot of them." Gon said pointing at five different spots. "There's that many?" Leorio mumbled.

"Six Hidden doors located in the same area. Sounds a bit suspicious. No doubt a few of them are traps." Kurapika though out loud. "From what I can tell, each of these trap doors can only be used one time." Killua said. "Seriously?" Leorio questioned. "We saw somebody through one earlier, but when we tried to open it, it wouldn't budge an inch." I explained. "Judging by the doors size, only one applicant can go do it at a time." Kurapika said. "Which means only one person can use each door." I said "It's beginning to look like we're going to have to split up. We decided that we each will pick a door and see how it goes." Killua said. "And no hard feelings if one of them's trap. How about you guys? What are you gonna do?" Gon asked. "Works for me. Seems like luck is part of the game or something." Leorio said. "No objections here. That settles it." Kurapika said. We all stood in front of a trap door and said our goodbyes.

Everyone except Leorio landed on their feet. Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio were shocked to see each other while I stayed quiet. "That was certainly a brief farewell." Kurapika said dusting off his clothes. "No kidding." Leorio mumbled. I stopped listening, grabbed a watch and found a place to relax. 'I want to eat something.' I reached into my backpack and found a chocolate bar. 'Should I save it? Nah, I've waited long enough.' I opened it and just as I was about to bite into it, Killua asked if he could have some. "Okay, grab a piece." I said, he thanked me as we ate the chocolate. Then I laid down to get some rest.

I woke up to Leorio yelling, "We've been sitting here for two hours!What if everybody else already found a way down? What are you supposed to do? We can't be the only one stuck at the top, we'll look like total idiots!" I groaned, "Can you keep it down? I was trying to sleep." I sat up, "Well, now I'm not tired anymore." "Oh, sorry." Leorio apologized. I didn't listen to the rest of their conversation, instead I played with my hair.

The wish that changed my life || HxH (Killua x reader x Gon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora