Hunt x The x Target

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Italics- what you are thinking

(Y/n) POV)

"Congratulations on escaping trick tower, everyone. The fourth phase will take place right over there on Zevil island. Now, let's proceed." I looked at everyone's badges, I began to memorize the numbers and appearances. Lippo snapped his fingers and a random dude came out with a cart that had a box on it. I knew how the phase would go, so I didn't bother to listen. I saw Hisoka walk up to pick a number card, so I waited until it was my turn.

When it was finally my turn, I walked over to the cart and picked a card. "Has everyone drawn? Very well. Now if you would, please go ahead and remove the sticker." Lippo said, everyone began to remove the sticker. I saw my number, 362. 'Okay, if my memory is correct, this is that guy who looks like Conny.' I nodded to myself.

"The Number you see is your target. This box has recorded the number that each of you drew. Each card was tallied and then stored in memory. So if you like, you're free to dispose of the cards. It makes no difference at this point. The job the objective is to steal your target ID badge. Procure the badge however you see fit but if you kill your target, you can take their badges easily. Collecting the ID badge of your specified target will earn you three points. Your own badge is also worth three points. And all of the other badges are worth one point. In order to move onto the final phase you'll have to collect six points. So during the time so during your time on Zevil island, gather enough badges to collect six points or fail the exam. Only those who do will clear the fourth phase of the hunter exam." Lippo explained.

Currently, we are on a boat to Zevil Island and everyone is on edge, as to be expected. I mean, they could be sitting or standing next to the person hunting them. A lady whose name is Khara, is telling everyone things but I doubt people are even listening, I, for sure, am not. I sat down next to Gon, "You look worried." I observed, "What's bothering you?" Gon looked at me and smiled, "Nothing, j ust thinking is all." Killua came over and sat next to me. "Hey."

We sat in a comfortable silence, until Killua decided to speak up, "So, uh... Who did both of y'all get?" "What did you draw?" Gon asked. "It's a secret." Killua said. I stayed silent. We sat in silence again until we looked at each other and giggled. "Don't worry about it. Neither of you are my targets. I promise." Killua said. "That's good. Because both of you aren't mine either." "Same here." I said. "You want to show our numbers at the same time?" Killua asked. "Okay/Sure."

We counted to three and showed our numbers. Gon had number 44, Killua had 199 and I had 362. Killua gasped at Gons number, "Hey, that's-" I stared but Gon cut me off, "I know." "You've got seriously bad luck." Killua pointed out.

"You think so? Who is number 199, anyway?" Gon questioned,
"I'm not sure, I thought maybe you knew." Killua sighed out.
"Nope." "Do you know, (Y/n)?" Killua asked me,
"Oh, 199? Oh, yeah. He's one of those brothers." I answered,
"Really?! Thanks! That saves me a bunch of time. If I knew we were going to have do this, I would have memorized everyone's badges sooner." Killua shook his head as he's said that.

"Whose number 362?" Gon asked.
"Oh, I don't know his name, but I know what he looks like."
"So, you already know you're target. Did you memorize everyone's numbers?" Killua questioned,
"Um, well, yeah, I did."
"Wow, it's like you knew this was going to happen." Killua joked, I nervously chuckled.

I looked over at Gon, he was shaking but I could tell it wasn't from fear but excitement. You could tell by the look in his eyes. "Gon." Killua said out of the blue.
"What is it?"
"Are you happy or scared right now? Which one is it?" Killua wondered, "Kind of both, I guess. If I had to fight with Hisoka one-on-one, I wouldn't stand a chance against him. But if all I have to do is just steal his badge, I think I might actually have a real shot. The way it is right now, well, at least I've got a chance. And to be honest it does it does scare me a little bit. But I think it's worth it."
"I gotcha. Well, let's do our best. Don't die, okay?" Killua said, Gon and I nodded.

The wish that changed my life || HxH (Killua x reader x Gon)Where stories live. Discover now