A x Surprising x Challenge

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*Ima just leave that there*

Italics- what you are thinking


(Y/n) POV)

We started running in the wetlands, as soon as I took one step in it, I felt weird but after a while, I got used to it. I was running with Gon and Killua in silence until, "Gon, (Y/n)." It was Killua. "Yeah?" Gon asked, "Let's try and move up to the front." "Right. The last thing we want to do is lose sight of the examiner right now." Gon said.
"I just want to put a little more distance between Hisoka and us. Staying to close is dangerous. I can smell it." Killua said.
"Smell, Huh?" Gon said started to sniff the air, "I don't think he smells." "Gon, Killua didn't mean it like that. He means he can tell that Hisoka is dangerous, I can tell too. It feels like he's itching to kill someone." I shivered, 'I actually can tell. This time I'm not going off of what someone said. I can feel it from his presence and through the tension in the air.' "Oh. Hey, Leorio! Kurapika! Killua says we should all move up to the front of the pack." Gon yelled, "Hey, Calm down, don't you feel the tension in the air?" Killua said. "You idiot! If I could reach the front I'd already be there!" Leorio yelled back. "Go ahead, we'll meet you there!" Kurapika reassured. "Awww." Gon said. "Let's go, Gon, (Y/n)."
"Wait, hold on!" Gon yelled as Killua ran off ahead with me following, and then Gon.

"I wonder what's happening. I can hear people screaming all around us." Gon wondered.
"That's why we need to be careful." Killua said.
"I haven't seen the guys in a while. I just hope they're safe." Gon said and I hummed in agreement. Then we all stopped. "What was-" I was cut off as the floor beneath us fell and a huge frog swallowed us. I could feel the frog slowly moving. 'It's pretty dark. I never thought I would get swallowed by a big frog.' I heard Killua pull out a can and open it, pouring it out into the frogs mouth. Soon the frog threw us up, and walked away. It's loud stomps echoed with every step until you could no longer hear it.

Gon nervously laughed, "I guess he must not have liked the way we tasted, huh?" "It was this stuff." Killua said, holding the drink Tonpa gave us. "Oh, the drink Tonpa-San had. I guess that's what saved us." Gon said, "Yeah, probably so. But I could have escaped without it." Killua said while tossing the can. "I'm still pretty worried about Leorio and Kurapika." Gon said, as Killua stood up. "Forget them. We need to keep moving. We can still make it if we start right now." Killua said and started running. I looked over at Gon and shrugged, I ran off with Killua. 'Gon can handle it. I don't even know if I can fight. I have a lot of stamina and I'm pretty strong. But am I being a bad friend by not going? Maybe I should have went. No, the 'fight' they had was one-sided. Hisoka is the clear winner.'

"All right! We caught up to the main group." Killua's voice threw me back into reality, he looked back to see me but no Gon. "Where's Gon?" "He ran off to look for Leorio and Kurapika." "Oh. Why didn't you go with him?" "Gon's strong, he can handle it. Plus, I didn't want to leave you all alone." I said and smiled, he blushed a bit and looked away mumbling inaudible things. "Come on! I'll race you to them!" I said and ran off ahead. "Hey, no fair! You got a head start!" I laughed and kept running.

Eventually, we made it to the second exam site, but Gon was nowhere to be found. "Do you think he'll make it?" Killua asked.
"I know he will. He's Gon after all." I said, then there was an awkward silence.

"You seem more comfortable when Gon is around. Why is that?"
"Well, I like Gon's presence, when I first met him it was so warm and welcoming. I just feel safer when he is around. Not that I can't take of myself, that is." I said,
"His presence? What do you think about mine?"
"Hmm. Well, when I first met you, it felt tense but carefree. Right now, it feels kinda tense but carefree." I said. "That's not what I meant, I mean what do you feel when you are around me?" I was confused by his question, it felt like it was out of his character to say that.
"Um, well, I feel the same? I mean, I guess I feel safe."
'I don't know him that well. I know how his character acts but not how he acts. There's a difference between knowing someone and knowing who they are. I don't want to ruin this anime with love. I don't want them to like me like that. Do I? I'm not stupid, I can tell when people like me. I just don't want to change anything.'
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason."
"Come on, you can't just ask someone how they feel around you and not have a reason." I said. "Whatever."
'Oh no. No it's to early for him to like me! We just met like a few hours ago! No, he's just curious. I know he's just curious. He was probably to embarrassed to say his real reason for asking me. I'm worried about how Gon thinks of me. I met him before Killua. I can't let them like me like that. That's why I don't talk as much, because I'm scared that if I do, they'll fall for me.'

The wish that changed my life || HxH (Killua x reader x Gon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora