Episode 1

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 Before we start my story and stuff, hi I'm Elizabeth Harper, my dad calls me Beth, but if you're not related to me, call me Liz or Lizzy. I have really curly hair and I always have it done in a side-braid. I wear blue glasses and my favourite colour is the ocean blue that you see in reefs. Like the turquoise blue. 2 years ago, when I was 12, I discovered I had powers. Random magic powers. I'm not sure what the full span of my powers are but I know I can do so many things. I've never told anyone about them. Then came the visions. There were these huge visions of a robot near a ferry dock. My dad, Seth Harper, is often busy working on random inventions. He loves me, but he normally wants me out of the house, by the way. Back to the robot. I left Harper Futuristics and found the robot. Inside was a video message. Some dude named Leo, talked about me working with 4 other guys to fight monsters. He wouldn't come for two more years. Then I found this amazing outfit. It had black ankle boots with heels. I was able to turn the heel of the boot into knives, and the shoes would become flats, which was awesome. The shirt was black with a gold stripe down the side. The pants were again black with a gold stripe down the side. I tried on the outfit and it fit perfectly. There was a note on the side reading 'This suit is fireproof, waterproof and can turn invisible. The suit can also turn into a dress, a t-shirt with a skirt, a t-shirt with jeans or a regular shirt with some sweatpants, feel free to mix up the options. The clothes will also turn whatever colour you want, so have fun with that.' This is sick.

Alright, now you've heard my backstory, let's focus on now. It was my first day at the school Bay City High. I was walking in the hallways when I almost bumped into three kids. I stopped myself quickly. I overheard some of their conversation

"Harris, Spyder, you guys are my best friends, what do you think?" The guy in the middle said

"I don't know Ryan," Oh his name was Ryan, "Those could have all been coincidences, I'm gonna need more proof." They boy named Harris said. Proof? Coincidences? If I wasn't interested before, I sure am now!

"Okay, you want proof, I'll give you proof." The dude named Ryan said. I wanted to stay and watch. He stared directly at the vending machine and tons of snacks fell out. I inhaled sharply. He's the technopath. Alright, now I just can't let them out of my sight. I then dropped all of my books on my toe.

"Shit!" I muttered under my breath because that hurt. The guy named Ryan turned around and looked directly at me picking up my books. And then came over to help me.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth but my friends call me Liz or Lizzy, but no one's ever called me that, because I've never had any friends. We can be friends right? I mean we don't have to, you know what it was a dumb question, I'll just go now." I said a little too quickly. Did I mention I'm socially awkward. I took my books from his arms and hands and started walking and then slipped on the vending machine snacks.

"GOD DAMMIT" I almost yelled. The three boys were still looking at me. I quickly got up and grabbed my books for hopefully the last time.

"Wait!" One of the guys yelled. I turned around and looked at them expectantly.

"I'm Ryan, that's Harris and that's Spyder"Ryan said gesturing at each one of them in turn, "and you can hang out with us." Huh.

"Yea don't tell anyone, but we've got a secret." Spyder whispered

"I'm good with secrets besides, my only other friend is a robot." I said smiling.

"Ryan's a technopath." Spyder said. Harris and Ryan both looked at him.

"So how did this happen." I asked

"Did you swim in that lake by the chemical plant?" Harris asked

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now