Episode 3

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Ryan and Spyder were playing hockey using the monster heart and I was reffing. After crushing both of them in 25 wins of 5-0, they decided I should referee instead. Currently, Ryan was winning. Spyder and Ryan came racing down the hall and Spyder, shot a goal so they were tied.

"Point to Spyder." I called out when Harris burst in.

"Guys, c'mon I've been looking for that." Harris yelled at us, exasperated. See, when I joined the team, Harris was happy to have another brain on the team, goodness knows they needed one. But he didn't know I love to have fun. So now I am constantly on his nerves, which is fun for me, but not so much for him.

"I mean you said we had to crack open the monster heart, and what better way to do that, than by playing hockey with it." I said grinning. Harris glared and me and I ruffled his hair. Height—> Harris was shorter than me, but everyone else is taller than me. Spyder and Ryan call me either shortstack or my preferred nicknames, but I get revenge by calling Harris, shortstack, so it works out I guess. Harris was yelling at us, but I wasn't really paying attention, I have a short attention span, if you guys didn't notice. Then the heart lit up and I jumped.
"Scared?" Spyder asked

"Nah, I just wasn't paying attention, anyway, the heart just lit up. Maybe it's a sign that we're close to cracking it open and we should continue messing around with it." I suggested.

"That's kinda dangerous." Harris pointed out

"No shit Sherlock." I grumbled under my breath.

*timeskip to the next day*

I decided to go visit Mark and Ryan and see what the repairs were like and how the robot was doing, after the ooze suffocation incident. I knocked on the door, and Grace, their mom, answered.

"Elizabeth, it's so good to see you. I was just leaving, but I feel a lot better knowing that the boys are with you." She exclaimed, hugging me. I hugged back.

"Don't worry, Ms. Walker, they'll be fine. You look really nice, by the way." I complimented her. She chuckled and left. I walked inside and sat next to Ryan and Mark.

"So how's the robot?" I asked

"Good, you want something to eat?" Ryan asked. I shook my head, and Mark started speaking about someone named JJ, and how this JJ, was probably dating his mom or something. I wasn't really paying attention, again, and then Mark asked Ryan to crack his mom's phone.

"Are you guys insane, you really wanna look at your mom's messages. You guys are absolutely nuts. Plus, you would be breaking a bunch of privacy laws, and could get sent to juvenile detention, or in Mark's case, jail." I yelled. Grace came in halfway through my scolding, apparently and when I sat down, I cursed under my breath. Did I mean to get Mark in trouble, no. But it felt so good, knowing I slightly impacted his social life. I smirked and Mark glared at me.

"I would scold you, but it seems Elizabeth has already done that for me. Now, a party at Dane's on Saturday, you will not be attending. And Ryan, if a girl is over, offer her something to eat or drink, it's bad manners." Grace scolded.

"Actually, Ryan already offered, but I'm fine" I smiled. Grace patted my head and left. I got up, "I'll meet you guys at school, yea?" I asked and left before receiving my answer. I now used a modified skateboard to go to and from school. I basically made my skateboard a hover-board without overpaying for one. Anyway, school's boring and you don't wanna hear about that so, let's just fast-forward to the robot.

I was helping Harris try and crack open the monster core. We've tried almost everything. We haven't tried using my powers yet because whatever's inside could be damaging. That's when Harris thought of an idea. I hated the idea, but it was a good one.

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