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Third Person

"Chief! We found them!" A call from a lieutenant police had alerted everyone in the task force who had been search the entire mountain. And with his call, he got everyone rush to where he was at.

Within the dense forests of X Mountain, there was a plot of land, obviously had been tampered with. The soil was loose and there ware markings on the soil. A piece of twig had been stuck on the soil perpendicularly, standing up right. The twigs stood a few inches from each other as if someone meticulously measured each space and marked the soil evenly.

The officers grimaced. They didn't have to dig the soil so smell the putrid smell of decaying bodies. It could be animals buried there but those who had encountered rotten corpses would know that a decaying human body smells a hundred times worse than a rotting animal carcass.

Kato was extremely distressed and the whole place was wrapped in silence. "Call the forensic team and the pathologist professor of Tokyo University." He instructed a lower ranked police officer.

Everyone had to wait until the experts arrive to carefully excavate the plot of land. That is to avoid disrupting or destroying the evidence that would have been left at the crime scene. Quickly with no delays, the officers had completely sealed off the entire place. No police officer was to enter the taped scene. They only remained outside the tapes and guarded the area as if their life depended on it.

Kato stepped out of the forest for a moment to gather his sanity and compose himself. Police officers knew the struggle of dealing with rotten bodies. The thick odor clung to their clothes and enveloped them.

Without much delay, a young detective arrived at the scene with boxes of face masks. From the passenger seat of her car emerged a girl who looked like she was out of place.

"Miss! You aren't allowed here." One officer explained as Himari tried to get closer to the crime scene.

On the way to the place, the images in her mind became clearer and clearer. The ladies she determined who were dead just hours earlier was now within their presence. Their souls in complete unrest, begging for justice to be served.

"No, I... I'm with the... The..." She explained but was too disturbed by the constantly echoing cries she could hear.

"Its okay, she's with us." Kato came to her rescue.

Once they were left alone by the newbie officer, Kato glanced around, looking for a certain rich kid, his partner. "Miss Himari, where's Kambe?" He asked.

"He's arranging a team to keep an eye on the suspect's house." Himari explained. She stared off in the distance where the bodies supposedly were buried. Not long after her arrival, black vans arrived and in came the forensic team and the pathologist. They already wore their suits to prevent cross contamination and they had brief cases probably filled with the right tools to properly excavate the fragile, decaying bodies. "Kato-kun, I need to see the bodies." She declared.

Honestly, however, Kato was reluctant to let the girl see rotten flesh specially since she had abilities that would amplify the terror upon viewing the girls. He didn't have the heart to traumatize the young girl. "Miss, please reconsider. You've done enough for us, you don't have to force yourself." He said, concern lacing his every word.

"No, something isn't right. I need to see the bodies to confirm something." She explained, tightly shutting her eyes.

"Alright, but please, tell me if you are unable to continue." Kato told the girl.

Soon enough a they were in the middle of excavating the bodies within the forest, commotion started to happen at the parking lot a few meters from the burial site. Somehow, the information was leaked and the reporters came flooding in. They forced their way to get a good shot of the burials and the bodies which were excavated.

"GET THEM AWAY FROM HERE!"  Kato, enraged, forcefully, pulled a reporter with a camera away from the bodies. "HAVE SOME SHAME AND HAVE SOME RESPECT!" he shouted angrily. At this, the other officers came to their senses.

With the stricter officers, the reporters were forced to stand a good distance away from the scene while still getting a good view of things.

Meanwhile, Kambe had just filed for a warrant to seize and search the place that was described by Himari. He was still skeptical and in all honesty, he didn't believe what she said one bit. He believed in HEUSC who had hacked into the surveillance cameras around the estate. From the records, he had seen a man, leaving the place with plastic bags like he had just went to the grocery a great number of times. That was the basis of his suspicions. Definitely not the psychic girl or whatever fraud she was.

Unfortunately for him, the court took a long time to review the evidences he submitted to get the warrant approved. He would rather go along his way convenient plan.

He had an inkling, similar to how Himari had felt. Something wasn't adding up. The suspect HEUSC had identified was a regular pizza delivery guy. But his guts had told him that they identified the wrong suspect.

Besides, how did they choose the victims? By their hair? By their looks? Was it a crime of passion? Or did the serial killer choose at random? So far, both HEUSC and he had not been able to learn of the common things the girls had. And because statistics showed that these girls had nothing in particular that was common, he deducted that the killer chose victims in random... They just had to be girls.

Unbeknownst to him though, a certain fraud of a psychic was slowly piecing everything together.

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