《Request Page+Rule's》

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[Open] or [Closed]






1.  If you have a specific thing you want to happen in you're request, please give me full length details so I don't have to ask you what you want while I'm writing it.  It takes up my time, and it makes it easier for me to know exactly what you want, when you give me good details.

2.  I'm fine with all AU's, I'm not a genius though, so i don't know all of them.  When requesting a AU, I may ask what the AU is.  If I do, then please respond with a good description of it.  Because if I don't know about the AU, I can't start working on you're request.

3. This should be simple, but this is strictly a Kankuro × Kiba bookI'm fine with having other ships in the one-shot's, but it always has to be based around Kankuro and Kiba.

4.  I have the right to deny a request.  No, I don't deny them just because I don't want to do them. The only time you will see me denying a request is one, you break my rule's, or two you're request makes me uncomfortable.  If I don't have the time to start working on you're request I won't deny it, instead I'll put it on hold.  I'll tell you this if I do.

5.  When and if you request for mental illnesses or diseases/disabilities, anything that falls into this category.  Please, know that I will only be respectful when writing requests like this.  And I ask for you to be respectful when writing these requests.

〝Kankuro×Kiba〞One~Shot Bookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن