《I Dreamt About Heaven》

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Part No.1

Story Type: 🖤/☁️
Au: The Red String Of Fate
Triggers: Swearing, mentions of public isolation.

《Normal POV》
▪︎2:09 PM▪︎

A bed creaked as weight was pressed down upon it. The sound of a dog whining could be heard. A brunette layed in his bed, his shadow covered gaze stareing at the bumped ceiling. The small groves on it seeming to intrigue him more then the sharp pain stabbing him through his side. The part of the mattress beside him squelched and indented as Akamaru layed down. Walking in a circle before settling down next to his owner, his companion. Kiba lifted a hand, placing it onto Akamaru's head, after he placed his muzzle to Kiba's stomach. The man in question letting out a quiet hiss of pain. Akamaru let out a small, long witted whine. Kiba letting out a weak chuckle at the sound. "I'm alright bo-y." He ushered out, closing his eyes as his lips curled up slightly. Perhaps, maybe he knew Kiba's little secret. Just maybe he did. And if so, well, the Inuzuka would have to live with it.

He could only show no pain for so long, he'd crumble soon enough.

There was no doubt the brunette hadn't been on a mission. One that had almost cost his life. All his missions did. This time though, he refused treatment, at least, not complete treatment. They allowed him to go on one single condition, and that was staying at home. It had only been a little while after that. And now Kiba stayed laying in bed, with Akamaru at his side.

He thought this would be a peaceful way to go, dieing with his best friend by his side. It was calming, in a sickening and twisted way.

The Inuzuka raised his right hand, turning it every which way in the air. Watching the tethered red string stuck to his ring finger move around. A soft smile formed on his dead beat face. He had already met his soulmate. The male's name was Kankuro, a puppet master. Kiba owes him his life, and more. Thing was, despite having meet before that, Kiba was still doubting himself about it. Doubting that they could actually be soulmates, with someone so awesome. The brunette had definitely developed some self hate throughout the year's, but he was pretty careful about how he acted around other's. Making sure he wasn't to bashful on himself around them. His obnoxious personality was still the same as it always was, and he still had a pretty big vocabulary of swears under his belt. Things to make others laugh and have a good time, or to make them accidentally pissed off at him. Which surprisingly happened to him a few times, ok maybe it was more then a few, but still. He still liked saying it was less then a hundred by now, cause it made him feel like he was actually not a complete failure.

Kiba moved a hand to his side, pushing himself into a sitting position as his other hand removed itself from Akamaru, and instead was placed to his side. The dog whined, lifting it's head up as his owner got up. The brunette looked over to his companion with a soft smile. "I'm ok buddy, I'll be right back, promise."

The one thing that never changed was the fact that Kiba cared way more about Akamaru then himself. It was his duty to take care of him, and he cared for him the best he could. No matter what. If it had to be one of them to go, Kiba wouldn't question, and he'd simply jump straight into action. Even if it ment his own life would be taken away. People saw that as bravery, Kiba simply saw it as a necessity, it was his best friend after all, he couldn't let him die.

The air was chilled to a crisp compared to the earlier summer heat. The door leading outside let out a whiny creak as Kiba stepped out onto the grass covered ground, hand against his wound. Today was quite beautiful, it was gonna be one of those days with the multicolored sunrises. The flowers around Kiba's house where all bloomed and the smell of nature was in the air. Cicadas and other bugs calling out into the world. Music to the brunettes blessed ears. His gaze traveled down to that string, that oh so familiar red string. It blew in the wind like the leaves clinging onto branches, just like any other light thing was. Except this was something tethered to his soul. Something only he and his soulmate could see. Something only visible to him and Kankuro.


Kiba's eyes widened slightly, he never thought about it all to much. No, that was a lie. When he first found out that Kankuro was his soulmate, he doubted himself immensely. He even thought about trying to cut the string. Which was impossible, of course. Even now he doubted his life worthy enough. Not to mention they where both guy's.

And gay couple's where not legalized.

Meaning, even if by some slim chance the two ever actually got a chance to get close to eachother and work things out. They would have to hide there relationship from the rest of the world. Something that would be, extremely hard for Kiba to do. He was the type of guy to go bantering around with a tutu happily as long as he could shout out what made him happy in the first place. Alright maybe that wasn't the best explanation, but still; you get the point. It would be way to hard for him to keep it to himself, and just seeing how Kankuro acted, he thought that he wouldn't have a problem with it. Maybe after a while it would get to him, but Kiba didn't think that would happen either way. He was just...so cool. He seemed to be able to hold himself accountable, unlike Kiba.

Shit, he let himself daydream about a guy he hardly even knew. Then again that guy was his soulmate....

He was just a gay bastered.

While Kiba stared off at nothing he felt a small tug at his hand. "Not now Akamaru." The Inuzuka ushered out, before it came again. A sharp exhale came from the brunette as he looked down, eyebrows furrowing slightly, but when he looked, Akamaru wasn't there. But the string was, and that string was being tugged. That hasn't happened before.


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