《Sing Our Song》

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This idea came to me out of nowhere. Anyhow, this is just a small little short one-shot of Kiba singing to his and Kankuro's kid, cause why not.


Story Type: ☁️
Au: Omegaverse
Triggers: Swearing

《Normal POV》
▪︎11:09 am▪︎

The sound of silverware clanking against a plate could be heard as water fell into the sink, being sucked down into the pipe. A brunette with purple markings over his face could be seen focusing on washing the dishes. His husband stood on his right, drying, and then putting the plates and silverware away. They did this quietly for a while until Kiba had started to hum a few moments earlier. It didn't bother Kankuro in the slightest, he was used to Kiba's antics by now. He did end up marrying the man after all. It was currently midnight, they had dinner later then normal, seeing as they where just getting to the dishes. There son, Inuko, was supposed to be in bed way before this, but he was still up. Infact the child was in the livingroom right now, playing with his toy's. The pup wasn't that old, only 4 years, despite this Kankuro treated him as if he was a little older. Sometimes forgetting his son was still way to young to do most things. Kiba scolded his mate many, many times over this single fact.

Now you may be thinking, Kankuro, the Alpha who specifically hated anything to do with children, had a little devil spawn of his own. Impossible.


Kiba talked him into it, or well actually, he had begged Kankuro for year's to have pups. The Omega wanted at least two, Kankuro refused each time though. Not wanting to deal with devil like creatures past midnight. Sadly, Kiba's heat had other plan's, and that lead to them having Inuko. Which was the best thing that ever happened in Kankuro's life, if he had to be honest. Now, he got easily fed up with the pups screaming antics and temper tantrums unlike his mate. Kiba was naturally great with kid's, he always was. And he was especially great with there own pup, while Kankuro got quite angered bye the smallest things. He used to get pissed when Inuko babbled out random thing's when he was a firstborn, knowing anything could turn into his first word. Kiba would just laugh at him each time though and remind him that it wouldn't happen for a while.

A loud bang erupted from the kitchen as Kankuro dropped a plate back into the sink. "Aw fuck-" he grunted out, Kiba looked over before grinning. "Oh don't you even fucking start mister-" The Alpha quickly growled out, pointing a long finger at his mate crossley as he went to pick the plate back up. Kiba couldn't help it at that, and burst out into a small fit of laughter. "I SAID NOT TO-" "I'M S-ORRY-!" Kiba snorted back, buckling over with a hand to his stomach. "YOu JUmPed SO fUckIng BadlY-" "OH SHUT YOU'RE PRETTY MOUTH-" "HoW Is My MOuTh PreTtY-?"

That question wasn't answered when a quiet voice piped up from the entryway. "Sing song?" Kiba's laughing ceased as he looked over, chuckling quietly. He smiled brightly though as he looked to his pup. "Yes baby, I'll come sing to you when me and papa finish the dishes." "Sing now?" The tiny brunette pushed. Kiba let out a small sigh, glancing over to Kankuro. "Duty call's." The Omega chuckled out with a grin, the Alpha rolling his eyes. "You ok with finishing the dishes?" "Yeah, go sing Bear to sleep."

Kiba nodded his head, walking over to the entryway before getting down and picking Inuko up. "Annnnd- Up-a daisy~!" Kiba called out, a happy giggle erupting from the pups mouth. Kankuro couldn't help the large smile on his face as he watched his husband and son head to the tiny brunettes bedroom.

《Kiba's POV》
▪︎11:12 am▪︎

I set Inuko down onto his bed, pulling up his blanket and tucking him in. I waited until he set his head down onto his pillow before I sat down at the end of his bed. Reaching my hand up to run it through his hair. "Alright, do you have a specific song you want me to sing to you?". Inuko nodded quickly, making my lips curl up into a smile. "Alright, what song?" "Ours!"

Of course, he always wanted me to sing that song. It was his favorite, it was mine two. I was happy to find that he enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed singing it. "Alright then bub, I'll sing our song." "Yay!"

"A gentle breeze from Hushabye Mountain, softly blows over Lullaby Bay, it fills the sails of boats that are waiting, waiting to sail you're worries away~ It isn't far to Hushabye Mountain, and you're boat waits down by the quay~ The winds of night sdo softly are sighing, soon they will fly your troubles to sea~"

I hesitated for a moment, taking a break for air. Inuko was already almost asleep, he surely must have been tired. Staying up longer then he normally does.

"So close your eyes on Hushabye Mountain, wave goodbye to cares of the day, and watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain, sail far away from Lullaby Bay~ So close your eyes on Hushabye Mountain, wave goodbye to cares of the day, and watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain, sail far away from Lullaby Bay~"



Kiba silently left his son's room, closing the door behind him. Kankuro was leaning up against the wall with a smile. When Kiba spotted him he held out his hand, the Omega taking it quickly. Kankuro pulled his husband in, letting out a pleased hum. "You're an amazing singer you know~" "Oh shut up-"

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