《Is It So Hard For You To Care?》

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Story Type: 🖤/☁️
Au: None
Triggers: Swearing, mentions of cheating.

Also, very sorry it has taken me forever to actually start working on requests, I've been having major art block so I hope this one is good.

《Normal POV》

The night air was chill and crisp against Kiba's skin as he opened the door to his and Shino's shared house.  The two moved in together just a year back, despite them not even having been wed yet.  Which Kiba truly wasn't suspecting to ever happen, despite him wanting it too.  Every time he brought the subject up, Shino shut it down in a in a mere instant.  So, he had simply come to the conclusion that that other didn't like wedding's.  Back then it bothered Kiba, he even was slightly heartbroken at the thought, even if they would call themselves husbands it was never actually fulfilled.  Neither of the men had the wedding bands around there finger's to show that they belonged to someone.  But, with a year's passing, Kiba stopped jokingly asking when he was gonna see his partner down on one knee.  He stopped talking about were they where going to be in five or six years from then. The reason to this? Self esteem.  Or at least it started out as that. The door was clicked shut behind the Chuunin as he stepped inside the dimly lit house.  Shino was supposed to be home by then, and from the newly made scent scattered about in the air he was. But Kiba could also smell someone else, he couldn't quite make out if he knee the scent or not in his tired state.  The thing he did make out though was the dread that seeped into the pit of his stomach and immobilized the rest of his body, something wasn't right and his body knew that. Shino and Kiba hadn't been together for to long, only been dating for three year's.  Yet the too always called it 'love at first sight'.  It was cliche, Kiba knew that, but the flutter his heart made whenever he heard it, and the way his cheeks flushed.  It just made him overjoyed to know that someone cared so much for him.

Akamaru bumped his head against Kiba's side, the brunette grunting in a slurred response as he pat the top of his head. "Babe, I'm back!" He called out, hoping to get some sort of a greating, some small I love you of sorts.  He never received one though, instead his ears picked up on slight shuffling upstairs and he simply thought the other was asleep already.  As to not wake him, Kiba headed upstairs quietly after that, Akamaru following him despite his protest.  His friend seemed to know something was up though, seeing as he wasn't listening to Kiba's commands at all, and that just made the dread grow.

When he finally got to his shared bedroom and opened the door, he did not expect to find Shino in there with anyone else.  A complete stranger to Kiba at that.  The women's scent making his nostrils flare in disgust, making him want to gag on his own saliva.  He wasn't expecting to walk in on his boyfriend kissing no cheating on him in their own shared bed.  The Inuzuka felt all that dread, disgust and sadness overwhelme him in that instant. Hot tears welling up in his wide eyes as he clenched his teeth together, he didn't hear the womans words as his attention was just stuck to Shino.  He didn't doubt the girl, hell even if she knew Shino was taken, he didn't doubt her.  Kiba wasn't a real eye catcher, and he knew that oh so fucking well. But now, in this situation, it hurt like hell.  "Kiba! I-it's not what it look's like trust me!" That was just another punch in the gut as Akamaru barked out.  "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!? THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS-? SHINO YOU HAVE YOUR TONGUE DOWN SOMEONE'S THROAT!" Kiba yelled back, waving his hands around as hot tears pooled down his cheeks. 

All those happy moments, all those kisses and soft touches just piled up into more pain for Kiba to bare.  And as Shino got up, walking over to him, trying to caress his boyfriend's cheek gently, his hand was slapped away.  Sharp white teeth smashing together around a choked sob.  "DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH ME-" "Kiba calm down!" "CaLm DoWn-!" He laughed back, but it was forced, Shino knew it was, just like how he knew how much his partner was hurting over his stupidity.  But, some cruel and sick part of him wasn't sorry. The rest of that night was a mere blur of pained emotions and rage.  Though Kiba could gain bits and peices from it.  The Inuzuka hadn't even tooken the time to gather any of his own personal belongings. It didn't matter much to him though.  All those pictures and memories would just cause him more pain if he took them with.  So, as he rushed out of the house with Akamaru on his trail, leaving a broken Shino behind him, he went out into the village.

It wasn't until as the sun was coming up that Kiba had somewhat stopped crying.  Drowning out the sobs in Akamaru's thick white fur.  His best friend didn't seem to mind though, worry clinging to his scent as he licked the side of the brunettes face.  Kiba's eyes were bloodshot, a watered down glow in them that almost ceased to exist anymore.  Trails of tears clung to his cheeks, mostly dried by now.

The brunette didn't smell the scent of anyone near him apart from Akamaru, so as a rough hand was placed upon his back he jumped.  Eyes flickering to a tall male dressed in all black with purple face paint.  His mind dimly reminded itself of who this was, the calming scent of this man making ever muscle in his body melt. He wanted to curl up with it for days, just cry with the scent stuck to his nose like a drug.  And as those thoughts blossomed in his mind his ears only slightly caught onto the words this handsome male ushered out to him, before he actually started to understand.

"Hey Mutt are you alright?"

Those words seemed to mend his heart a bit as he bit onto his bottom lip.  Akamaru jerked, barking at Kankuro as if warning him to stay back.  But as the taller continued to rub Kiba's back, continued to show him kindness, the brunette couldn't help but reach out and surrender himself weak. Clinging to that black mop of clothes as his knuckles turned white. Kiba could hear Kankuro grunt, before his own arm's held into the smaller brunette tighter.  "Mutt?" Kankuro ushered out, but the words died down as he heard the sobs that tore through the smaller.  His hands moved up to sheild Kiba from the outside world, whispering under his breath as he hugged him.  And Kiba could swear he felt the same happiness he used to when he was with Shino, but right then, he felt sick while thinking about it.

So he let his body go numb in the other's hold.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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