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                           —— Sharon's POV ——
  My Aunt Peggy or I should now Grandma, did stuff so now there's me & Peter. I knew I had a sibling, I just wasn't expecting all this, especially knowing my Granddad is Captain America and he kissed me, yuck. At the time we didn't know if he was even biological grandfather. Well, this is the Avengers, weird crap his bound to happen.
        "Hey?" he reads a magazine, "So, what was Grandma like?" "Quite a tough loving woman, Sharon. She loves us all. I'm pretty sure she's happy to know I've got our family together." I nod, my brother lays asleep in the hospital bed. I didn't know he'd be going through brain surgery again, the first time I met him, he was small. So SHIELD has had me stay near him, so I do, we talk. He's goofy and bright. Ned says "Shar?" "Hey Ned, how are you?" "I'm good, Pete had to get another surgery." "Yeah, I just wish the brain tumors would stop recurring." "Yeah, take a seat, do you know where MJ is?" "She had stuff she had to get before she came up." "Ok." I nod, Peter wakes up.
     "How are you feeling?" "A bit better." "That's good." "Any luck with that apartment hunting?" "Yeah, I found one, Pete for all of us." he nods, his head's all bandaged. Ned speaks up "Hi Peter, I didn't bring any balloons." "It's ok, Ned." "Peter, I'm gonna see if we can give you ice chips now, ok?" "Ok."
                        —— (time skip) ——
     Granddad is telling us the story about how Dum Dum Dugan got his foot stuck, "I told him, don't do it, so that whole afternoon, the guys would challenge who take the thing off of his boot. None of them could do it, I was the one who ripped it off like paper. Needless to say, it became prank week when we were in New York. Peggy had to yell at them a few times, we got kicked out of a couple of bars, but eventually people learned about my Howling Commandos, we saved a lot of people." I nod, Granddad always had good stories.

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