Around a year ago

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"What?! Whaddya mean, volleyball's been shut down?!" Oikawa gaped in despair at the school counselor. He'd just started his first year in high school. This cannot be happening, Oikawa thought. The counselor shrugged and gave him a tired look.

"Budget cuts. Sorry, kid." And with that, the man turned away and went back to his computer. Oikawa made a small noise of defeat. He'd just have to put together a neighborhood team or something, he thought. But really he knew his parents would only take this as an opportunity to push him harder in school. He sighed and walked back out into the hall. Iwaizumi was running up, and slowed when he noticed Oikawa's expression. Iwa hefted his book-bag's strap higher on his shoulder.

"Wh-what happened, Oikawa? Why the long face?" He said between breaths. "Sorry I didn't get here with you, I was in the bathroom." Oikawa looked at him.
Iwa scrunched up his face in confusion. "Oikawa, what's wrong?" He had prepared a smart-aleck comment, but Tooru seemed really upset.

"Volleyball's been cut," said Oikawa quietly. He was afraid if he spoke any louder his voice would tremble, like his bottom lip was starting to. He tried to take deep breaths. If he cried in front of Iwa, he'd never hear the end of it. He looked down at the floor but still heard Iwaizumi's little gasp.

"Cut, like... like canceled? Taken out? Just like that? That can't be right, there's gotta be some mistake!" Iwa tried to push past Oikawa but he was stopped by his arm across his chest.

"Trust me. See you around, Iwa." Oikawa's voice was small and sad. It made Iwaizumi angry. Tooru started walking away in defeat.

"Oikawa! Oikawa, don't just leave! Oikawa!" Oikawa didn't turn around. "TOORU!" Iwa looked into the counselor's office desperately, and looked back at Oikawa. "TOORU!" Oikawa wiped his face with an arm and ran the rest of the way out the doors of the school. Iwaizumi scowled. Why'd this have to happen? Volleyball's the only thing Tooru's got, he thought. He kicked the wall in contempt. He looked out the window at Tooru, walking home, his shoulders shaking slightly and his head down. 

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