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Oikawa smiled softly as he walked the familiar route to Iwa's house. He'd texted his mom he wouldn't be home for a few hours. Before he knew it he was back in front of the porch he'd spent so many evenings on, the same old broken porch swing and the lilac tree in the front yard. The flower pot Iwa had painted for mother's day when they were eleven. The lump under the doormat, that you had to really squint at to see, which was where they kept the spare key. 

He barking from the back of the house. He smiled. He remembered the day Iwa had gotten Tofu, at his thirteenth birthday party. From his uncle. A tiny yellow ball of fluff, that made Iwa gasp in delight when his uncle carried him out of the car. He'd nipped and chewed on Iwa's fingers and would not  sit still, not for an instant, covering Iwa in puppy kisses. That was one of the biggest smiles Oikawa had ever seen on Iwa's face. Iwa had held Tofu until he fell asleep in his arms, and then he'd zipped him up in his jacket because he didn't want to risk waking him up by putting him down somewhere. He and that Akita puppy were inseparable from that day on.   

Oikawa smiled to himself again. He walked up the slightly sagging wooden steps, licking his lips nervously. He wondered to himself, why had he stayed away for so long? Oikawa took a deep breath and rapped on the blue-painted front door with a fist. 

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