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Oikawa smiled at the memory and grabbed his bag. The last class of the day had ended, and he was debating going over to Iwa's. He stepped out into the hallway, shouldering past the swarm of students. He spotted Kindaichi's head among the crowd and sighed. Might as well, he thought. It couldn't hurt. And he missed playing volleyball with Iwa.

It had been at least a year since he'd played an actual set of volleyball with anyone, besides reluctant tosses around with Iwa occasionally because he was so persistent. After finding out there would be no team, Oikawa kind of gave up hope. He closed up, despite Iwaizumi's relentless attempts to keep him positive. When he told his mom and step-dad they both took it as a relief, which didn't do much good for Oikawa's spirits. His parents made sure he was focused on school, on making a future for himself, as they said.

So he did. He focused on school and getting a job, and even though he still threw around the ball whenever he could, it was never the same. The volleyball friends he'd made in middle school tried to keep in touch, like Kindaichi and Kunimi, and of course Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi was the only one he'd really talk to. But after they started their second year in high school, and Oikawa moved up a class, they fell out of it, much to Iwa's dismay. Ever since they found out they wouldn't have classes together, Iwa had been asking him to come play volleyball. Until this, Oikawa had always said no.

But he really, really missed it. Almost as much as he missed Iwaizumi. He fiddled with the bracelet around his wrist. He took a deep breath, and headed toward the side doors of the school. The same doors he'd ran out of, crying, at the beginning of the previous year. He pushed one open, let some blushing and giggling girls pass in front of him, and stepped out into the chilly September air. 

Sorry if these are quite short, you guys. I'll be switching between Oik's and Iwa's perspectives. And also, some parts of this I'll have completely made up for reasons you'll see later down the road, for example the fact that Oikawa has a step-dad. I hope you like it so far, it's my first (definitely not my last) attempt at a Haikyuu fanfiction. Heh bye ❤

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