Chapter 3

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"What happened?" Windu demands, storming down the corridor towards Obi-Wan with Master Yoda running by his side to keep up. "You're supposed to be dead."

Obi-Wan hides a flinch at Windu's choice of words and looks around, making sure nobody is in earshot. Everyone who had been on the landing platform has already gone through with Ahsoka and Anakin.

It was a mad frenzy to get the injured Padawan inside as the blood loss started to take its toll and she couldn't form coherent sentences. Anakin panicked and started yelling, which made Master Che put her foot down and start dishing out orders like it was her job.

All the while, Obi-Wan couldn't find the strength to tell Anakin to calm down.

"Hardeen hit Ahsoka." He says, trying to not sound like he's about to fall apart, "She fell off the rooftop and is in critical condition."

He needs to find out exactly how critical Ahsoka's condition is. The clones didn't do a field amputation, but Master Che wore a grim face when she saw the state of Ahsoka's leg. It can't be good.

Windu's expression doesn't soften in the slightest, "Our plan is ruined."

"Our plan was flawed." Obi-Wan retorts angrily, "Anakin and Ahsoka did not need to be in harm's way, and now a Padawan is severely injured!"

"Control your emotions, you must." Master Yoda says. "Severe injuries, Padawan Tano has sustained, but strong, she is."

Just because she can take the pain, doesn't mean she has to.

Obi-Wan doesn't think this is the right time for a lecture. Neither of the Jedi Masters had to see Ahsoka sprawled on the ground or hear her cries of pain. They didn't have to hold her head still like Anakin had to.

"You were meant to be the only one near the bounty hunter." Windu says, "Tano was supposed to be on the street level where the risk of harm was lower."

"She jumped up to the roof when she saw I was about to be hit." Obi-Wan drags a hand down his face when the memory re-surfaces in his mind. Ahsoka cries echoes around his head.

Kriff, his chest still aches.

You must rest, wise one.

"Look, it won't take long for Anakin to put the pieces together and find out we planned this." Obi-Wan gestures at his revealed bulletproof vest, sighs, "He won't take that well, especially if he finds out himself."

"Are you suggesting we disclose the secret mission to Skywalker?" Windu asks, looking murderous.

"It's better to tell him, then leave him to think-" Obi-Wan's voice cuts out as surging pain courses through his chest, forcing him to his knees. It's like electricity lacing through his rib cage, spreading through his shoulders and reaching the back of his throat.

"Obi-Wan?" Windu puts a hand on his shoulder, concern igniting in his eyes. "Obi-Wan, what wrong?"

He can't find the words to tell them about the pain. Obi-Wan doubles over and heaves, throwing up his dinner. He hasn't been sick since he was a Padawan.

His stomach spasms and he coughs, vision going spotty. He sees Windu speaking into his commlink. Master Yoda has a hand on his knee, using the Force internally.

Obi-Wan can't catch his breath.


Vokara Che is no stranger to traumatic injuries. She's the Chief Jedi Healer, after all. She can practically heal severe wounds in her sleep.

However, treating a youngling with said traumatic injuries is not her speciality.

When she receives a call that Padawan Tano has fallen from the top of a building, she and her entire staff are completely unprepared- especially when Tano is slipping into hypovolemic shock upon arrival at the Temple.

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