Chapter 1- The Fatal Fire: Baudelaires

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-To Beatrice

You had all good qualities except one,


-Lemony Snicket


It seemed to be a normal day for the Baudelaires. Klaus was reading a book in the library, surprisingly it was called "Wolves".  That book would soon be engulfed in flames. Klaus was a boy who was 12 years old and was very intelligent. He had a very curious mind and always wondered what was on the top shelf of the library. All he knew was that it contained a book titled "The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations" which happened to fall on him one day, he only had his shelf to blame. That book would soon be engulfed in flames too. Hopefully this book will be engulfed in flames too someday to prevent others from reading it. Klaus could tell you what was in brine pools, how the Mongols attacked, how the bubonic plague started, what animals lived in certain places, and how light works. His father told him once a library was like an island in a vast sea of ignorance particularly if the surrounding area is flooded.

Violet was in the garage invention something that would put out fires in case of one starting, unfortunately it would lose the battle against the flames that destroyed the Baudelaire Mansion. She was the eldest Baudelaire child being 14 years old. Violet was very creative and inventive, and was able to create inventions that would make life easier for people to do a certain job. She would often spent all night on one invention just to make the gears work. She fixed many things that were broken around the house like their parent's telegram so they could once again send messages to people that were part of an organization that they were in, but for some reason they would never tell Violet who they were sending telegrams too. All she knew from eavesdropping them when they were sending telegrams was that they were part of an organization that might be firefighters. She also found out from eavesdropping that some of their fellow firefighters were named Jacque, Quentin, and a lemon that sent them telegrams. Or perhaps they were complaining that a dessert that they had was too Lemony. Violet also fixed their telephone many times. Unfortunately in the fire that destroyed their home all of her inventions were destroyed and all she could salvage from the wreckage was half a spyglass that had strange markings on them. She gave the broken spyglass to Klaus.

Sunny was the youngest Baudelaire. She was with her parents eating a carrot. She was 3, so she was at the age where most people speak in unintelligible shrieks. She had very sharp teeth so she liked to bite things that would be hard to bite for many people.

She and Klaus were the oldest siblings and they enjoyed going to Briny Beach with their youngest sister Sunny. When it was sunny a lot of people were at Briny Beach so they never went when it was sunny, when it was cloudy they would go to the beach because no one would be there. Klaus would research tide pools and find out what life was in them, sometimes taking specimens which here means what was in the tide pools back to their family mansion. Where he looked at them under a microscope and identified what they were. Violet would test out her new invention. Many of her inventions involved using sunlight or starting a fire so she wanted the water to be close to her in case she wasn't able to put it out. 

The Baudelaires also had a turtle named Speedy which during the fire was let out of it's cage and lived the rest of it's life in a pond near the ruins of the mansion. However it is not my job to record the life of the Speedy the turtle, so all that I can do is hope that it enjoys the rest of its life in the wild. 

It would be a good time for you to put down this book and pretend that the Baudelaires lived their whole lives in this mansion and nothing bad ever happened. For those of you who wish to continue, I will continue. But this is your last chance to STOP. 

Unfortunately, that day a fire started at the Baudelaire Mansion. Bertrand and Beatrice put Sunny in a tunnel and went to get Klaus and Violet. They put Klaus and Violet in the tunnel and for some reason locked them in there. After about an hour of waiting, they found a note that said: 

Dear Children,

If you are in this tunnel, we are very feasibly dead, please follow the signs to a place marked Quagmires they will be in a very similar situation as you. After they that find a man named Mr. Poe at Mulctuary Money Managment. He is the one who coughs a lot. We hope that even after this terrible thing has happened you can still enjoy your life.

Your Parents,

Bertrand and Beatrice

Both Klaus and Violet cried for a while and finally when they were reminded by Sunny that they needed to find the Quagmires they went to find the Quagmires which was very easy because there were signs everywhere.

This is where they met the Quagmires

Author's Note: I will update whenever I want. Mostly on the weekends though. If anything seems wrong or you just want to comment on something you are welcome to. 

A Series of Slightly More Fortunate EventsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon