The Clandestine Count

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To Beatrice-

You were bright

The the fire was brighter

-Lemony Snicket

(AN: Keep reading, Count Olaf is evil, even though it does not seem like it at the beginning)


Count Olaf welcomed us into his home, his home was dirty and disorganized, but we didn't mind as long as we were not hurt in his home. He continued to call Mr. Poe the wrong name and said to him, 

"As we say in the theater, exit stage right"

He gave us some chores which we completed quickly. He told us that he was an actor and that he was sorry that his house was so disorganized. That night his theater troupe came over and he gave us a game of Monopoly to keep ourselves entertained and said that he would get us dinner as soon as his theater troupe left. We played Monopoly, Duncan does not know how to organize his money and got bankrupt in about 10 turns. He then joined Violet's team and then Isadora got bankrupt and joined my team. Right then, Sunny fell asleep on the blanket that Count Olaf had given her. A few minutes after Sunny fell asleep, Count Olaf walked in and told us that dinner was ready and to wake up Sunny so she could eat. We all ate and went up to sleep. Count Olaf was only able to buy us 4 beds and 5 blankets which were separated into 2 rooms. Sunny was using one blanket, Violet, Isadora and Sunny were in one room and Duncan and I were in the other. 


I asked Klaus when when we got to our rooms if he thought Violet liked him and he said that she did and even Sunny knew. I started reading my book on journalism and he wrote in his commonplace book. Then we both went to sleep. 


When we got back to our rooms, Isadora started reading her book on poetry and writing things in her commonplace book. I read my book on inventing and Sunny bit a rock that I found on the ground. We talked about Count Olaf and what we thought he was like. We both thought that he was kind yet unintelligent and had a strange sense of humor. He would be that person who boils the water in a water fight or takes his medicine early to surprise the bacteria. I asked her why she liked Klaus so much and she said that she didn't which was obviously a lie, but I decided to go to sleep. 


We were woken up by Count Olaf knocking on the door. When we got downstairs, Duncan and Klaus were eating breakfast and Count Olaf said that he would be putting on a play at the theater and he wanted us to come watch him perform. We agreed and said that we would be there, but at what time? Count Olaf replied that it would start at 6:30 PM which meant that we had just over 9 hours to do whatever we wanted while Count Olaf prepared. Count Olaf gave us some money to buy our food and what we needed, then he left to get prepared with his troupe.

When we finished our breakfast at about 10:00. We heard a knock at the door, so me and Klaus went to get it because Violet and Duncan were still eating. Justice Strauss was checking on us to make sure that we were okay, she asked if we needed anything. We thought about it. We needed a cookbook to make lunch. Since Violet and Duncan were still eating Klaus and went to the library to find a cookbook. We were sitting on the same chair reading the cookbooks when Violet Duncan and Sunny came in and quickly ran out laughing. We found them a few minutes later to tell them that we found what we were going to make for lunch. We thought that making pasta puttanesca would be a good idea and so we went to market on the rickety trolley to get some. 

Violet and I got the ingredients while Klaus and Duncan ran around the stream nearby to find a turtle that we could keep as a pet to keep us company. We finished finding all the ingredients. And met up with Duncan and Klaus at the sidewalk in front of Count Olaf's house. 

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