The Bad Banker

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For Beatrice-

Your life burned short

And so did your house

Lemony Snicket


Life can often be turned around if you have the heart for it, you are supported and the surroundings are good. The Baudelaires and Quagmires 2 out of the 3. They had the heart for it, they were supported by each other, not by friends, many of the Baudelaire and Quagmire friends had ceased contact with them, although it is in times like these that you need your friends the most. However their surroundings were not okay. They were at Mr. Poe's house for a few days awaiting their transfer to a new guardian. They were very unhappy, not because they were living, although only temporarily in a house that smelled, had a newspaper woman with a high pitched voice, a banker with a bad cough and who was dumb and negligent, one brother who didn't care at all about the Baudelaire and Quagmire predicaments and one brother who was more sentimental, but still not caring. The reason for their unhappiness was that their parents, once caring and loved by their children were no longer people, but ashes. Although they did not find their ashes, no one could escape a big fire. Their surroundings were small potatoes compared to their parents untimely deaths. Small potatoes here meaning small problems, not that Mr. Poe and his family were a family of vegetables, but it might have been more helpful if they were. For example, a negligent banker might be hired to take care of orphan's affairs, but a potato can not be hired for anything except consumption and being made into a fry (chip if you are British) or a chip (crisp if you are British), therefore the potato may not be hired and allow for a more suitable employee to be hired and bring the Baudelaires and Quagmires to Dr. Montgomery Montgomery, instead of a Count named Count Olaf. 

At the end of the night, with Sunny, Violet, and Klaus in one bed and Duncan and Isadora in the other. They all agreed that their parents were dead and that they would not be sad about it any longer, because their parents would want them to continue their lives as normally as possible. Unfortunately, a man with one eyebrow would make that impossible. The Poe brothers were very dull and not very smart. I have not don't much research on them, but I found out that Albert Poe is now a banker that is better than his father and Edgar Poe (AN: Maybe his middle name is Allan) now lives in a cave full of sheep. The more empathetic brother, Albert woke them up, "I'm sorry about my brother, I hope that you have a good day though and your new guardian is good". He handed each of them a small pouch of candy and said, "I'm sorry about your parents". Violet replied, "It wasn't your fault, I hope you have a good day too" and gave him back the pouch of candy because it had peppermints in it. Edgar walked up and screamed, "Wake up, stupid heads!". When the Baudelaires and the Quagmires got downstairs, Mrs. Poe yelled, "Stupidheads wake up!" and took a picture of them. "Wait till the readers of the Daily Punctilio hear about this!". Albert quickly whispered "Sorry" to Isadora and Isadora nodded. After breakfast, they found out that the bank had allotted them $200 as a orphans fund to get whatever they needed, they received the money from Mr. Poe and went to the market to buy what they needed. 


I am going to the market with Isadora to buy clothes. Hopefully she is a good person because Sunny, Klaus and I are stuck with the Quagmires until we turn 18. Isadora and I agreed to get the cheapest clothes, so that we would have money to buy other things. 


I need to find something that doesn't cost much. I chose a regular blue shirt and some long pants because I will be able to wear them all year. While we were picking our clothes, Violet and I started talking.

She said "I hope our new guardian"

I laughed and said, "Anybody is better than Mr. Poe".


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