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"I didn't cheat because all the time I know I love Anne and not you." sabi ko, bakas sa mukha niya ang pagkagulat dahil sa sinabi ko. Ramdam ko din ang pagkadurog ng puso ko. "I cheated to her, I love Anne, Sunshine" giit ko. Sumakit naman ang lalamunan ko dahil sa sinabi ko. Nagpipigil ako ng luha at ayaw kong makita niya iyon.

Of course, I lied. Who would have thought na aabot kami sa ganito? I love Sunshine so much. I can't live without her, she's my universe. But I have to stay away from her, I have to follow what Anne said.

Her life is in danger because of me. Someone is sending death threats to me and I don't know who he or she is. I want to keep Sunshine out of my life to keep her away from danger,  I don't wan to her to know about this because I know her too well, she will only worry about me.

Anne and I is planning something to get rid of the war, avoiding her and breaking up with her is the best way we can to make her safe, we both know that we won't win the war against Deckex, he's collaborating with other mafia groups and that's the most dangerous thing he did.

"A-Are you kidding me?" she uttered while she asked. I nodded.

"But y-you said you l-love me Rain" her tears suddenly fell. I can feel my heart breaking into pieces, seeing her tears fell because of me is the most painful thing I can see right now.

"I know" I said as I looked away, I can't tell those words right in front of her.

"I thought I love you, but as the time goes by I realized that I still love Anne. I just used you so I can forget Anne." I added.

"W-what about the marriage? T-the words you said, you promised me!" She shouted. I wore my mad mask and faced her.

"Everything I did. Everything I said, was just a part of plan, I didn't love you truly! Can't you hear it? I said I didn't love you!" I shouted at her, her eyes was full of tears, but I can still read and see the pain and sadness in it.

"D-did you just, fall out? You fell out of love?" she asked calmly. I stared at her for a minute and thought..

How can she be so positive in this kind of situation? She haven't even thought about what I said that I only used her. Instead, she think that I just fell out of love...that at least, I loved her.

"If that's what you think then fine, I fell out" I answered and turn my back to her, I was about to leave the kitchen when she spoke.

"And do you think I will let you go? I will do my very best, Rain. I will do my very best to have you back. To win you back." My heart pounded as she said those words.

Fuck! How can I leave her?! How can I break up with her when she's like this?!

"Sunshine" I said and faked a sigh like I was irritated. "Please, let's stop this." I said. Begging.

Please Sunshine, this is all for your good. This is for your safety, please do agree.

"No Rain, you stop this bullshit!" she shouted and slammed her hands in the dinning table, that made me froze as I stared at her hand with bandage.

Damn, that was my fault!

"Whatever you're playing, stop it Rain! This is not funny anymore! If you're doing this because of some plan then tell me and I will help you!!"

No Asawa ko, this is so dangerous...

"Stop this game because I am now in pain!!" she shouted again and again, her tears fell. She's now crying a river.

10,718 Miles of Love (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon