Ch.4 - Freedom

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Estrella's Pov

I cant believe that Riddick would leave me tied to this f*cking pole. I mean I am a women and all but that doesn't mean you deliberately leave me bound to a pole. I am so sick and tired of all the disrespect i'm receiving on this hell hole of a planet with a druggie, a almost-was-a-killer pilot, a boy that is really a girl teen, some lovey dovey wife and husband, a alcoholic, some hoo-doo holy man and his 3 kids, and a disrespectful head-stuck-up-his-ass-so-far-no-wonder-he-can-see-in-the-dark a*shole a.k.a. Riddick. 

 My body slumped forword from all this headache worthy thinking. My head dangling like a christmas tree ornament. A sigh escaping my lips in the process. I mean can you honestly blame me? I've never stayed with anyone for more than a hour without leaving and all this comotion, thumping, and scurrying is giving me a major headache. And just to add the icing to the cake, this planet has 3 suns. Lord have mercy on my eyes. 

  A rough yet soft hand tilted my head up, exposing my closed eyes. I savored those fingers until a husky laugh found my ear drums. Opening my eyes, I let out a loud groan. I triple dog DARE you to guess who it is. What was that? Did you say Riddick? Ding ding ding, we have a WINNER! 

"You know, you really shouldnt groan like that infront of a man who hasen't gotten laid in god knows how long." Riddicks deep and husky voice echoed off the walls. I blinked. Wait.........What??

"Thats why you have a hand. You could have easily used that in those oh-so-many Years." was my smartass reply. His eyes narrowed drastically and a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. Well i dont know about you, but half-lidded eyes were incredibly sexy to me. so that look went straight to my crotch and by the look on his face and flared nose, he could smell me. I'm not suprised. We're both Furyans which basically means we have hightened senses. (smell, taste, hearing, feel, sight) 

Riddicks hands slithered from my chin, to my arms and his face was shoved into the crook of my neck. His breath on my neck causing me to shiver.

"My hands never feel as good as.........other places." He breathed, inhaling my scent and letting out a husky groan. A click met my ears and I looked up to see that the handcuffs chaining me to the pole have been removed by none other than Riddick himself. 

"Thanks...." I said, rubbing my sore and slightly red wrists. Glancing up, I saw Riddick let out a full blown smirk.

"No problem........Estrella."


Well like I said, I updated. I hope you all enjoy and stay turned for the next chapter. Comment what you guys think! Bye!

Your not Afraid of the Dark, are you? (Riddick Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon