Chapter 8

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(so this chapter will be in third person's point of view and y'all will find out later why eheh)

Vee waved goodbye to Can as he turned on his engine, his little boy was in his dad's arms smiling at him widely.

He decided to let Can stay the night at his parent's, since his mother and father has been dying to spend time with their grandson and also his friends invited him for a welcoming party today so that means he's gonna be home late and no one's gonna take care of his little Can.

He sighed as he entered their condo, it was quiet and empty that he instantly missed his son's presence.

He received a text from his friend Neua, after sending a response he then walked to his room, he decided to take a shower first to freshin himself up before heading out.

Without any time to waste he started unbottoning his pants and taking of his shirt making his way to the shower.

About 20 minutes later, he exited the bathroom with a towel hung on his waist. Drying his hair with a towel, he made his way to his closet to look for something to wear for the little occasion of the day.

He stopped midway when he remembered that the younger he's been wanting to see will also be there tonight.

Vee's heart pounded fast as he started to get nervous, he rummage through his closet.

It took him almost 10 minutes to find something to wear, a casual attire for today's occasion. He sighed as he looked at himself at he mirror. He wore faded blue ripped jeans, topped with a plain white tee and a light blue denim jacket. 6 years and he still looked the same, with only much more bigger muscles now and he kind of gained a few weight.

Vee shakes his head as he looked at his wristwatch, "too late to change now, I'm late as fuck," he said putting on his white sneakers.

One last look at the mirror and Vee finally exited his room, he grabbed his car keys on the center table and made his way to the door.

Vee was now outside the pub, the same pub he and his friends go to almost everyday in their senior years. He looked at it, he had lots of memories in this place, and Mark was mostly in it.

He felt his phone vibrating, he again got a text from Neau. He was asking where the hell is he, he didnt bother replying as he put his phone back in his pocket and started walking his way inside.

He felt a wave of nostalgia run through his system as the cold airconditioner of the pub hits his skin.

Different colors of lights welcomed him as he entered, his eyes then scanned the whole place and it made him frown.

It was quiet and empty, no one was there except him. Neau told him that they rented the whole pub for tonight's occasion.

He roamed his eyes and saw long tables at the side with different dishes, and there was balloons everywhere.

"SURPRISE!!" Vee almost screamed in shock as his friends came out of nowhere and started to pop out confetti's. The whole place that was quiet was now filled with shouts.

Vee was still in shock as his friends started to walk their way to him with smiles on their faces. Yihwa then hugged her, he hugged her and rubbed her back.

"I missed you," Yihwa said when she pulled the hug, slightly punching his shoulders, "How long has it been, huh? You didnt even told me you were back! If Team didnt accidentally mentioned it, I wouldnt have known," Yihwa was starting to tear up that made Vee to be startled.

"Welcome back buddy," Yihwa was pushed by Neua as he hugged Vee himself.

He just laughed at Yihwa as she frowned and crossed his arms.

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