Chapter 21

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To Vee's suprise he was wide awake even before his alarm could wake him up.

He layed in bed even when he was already alarmed by the time, he remembered setting it at exactly 6:00 am in the morning eventhough Can's classes will start in about 3 hours.

His body felt heavy as he tried to sat up from bed blinking his eyes and shaking his head to make sure he is fully awake.

Rays of sunlight was lightly seeping through his thin white curtains, he sigh as he lift himself up to stand beside the bed.

Unlike Mark's, his room was the complete opposite of what the younger own, it was bright and refreshing, the walls were painted a clean white making the four corners of the room to shine, while Mark's was the contrast, a dark blue painted agaist the walls giving it a gloomy aura. But both rooms were plain, Vee's was a plain white from his beddings, curtains, bedside table and even his closet full of clothes were painted white, while Mark's was a combination of dark blue, gray and black.

Vee took the time to roam his eyes on his room, signing as he see white everywhere, he remembered having no time to decorate his room anymore since he has more important matters to take care of than just decorating rooms.

As usual he would fix his bed, folding and straightening the crumpled blankets and comforters of the bed before turning off the lights from the bed side table since he has always prefer to sleep with the lights on, he would always leave them on until morning.

Feeling satisfied after fixing the bed he turned around and entered the bathroom to take a bath that took only about 10 minutes. He chose to wear casual clothes since he's only going to drive Can to school today and go to his parents house since they will celebrate Can's birthday there tomorrow, he'd have to go today to help his parents prepare.

He took out a pastel colored oversized tshirt topping it with a white checkered polo and a pair of ripped jeans that'd fit the blue colored pastel shirt, he shook his head as he saw the bright colors he was wearing.

He exited his room after checking himself for the last time, he sigh as he brought both his hands to his waist looking at the mess in the living room and dishes on the sink.

Cautious of the time he began to collect the toys and stuffed animals that was scattered everywhere in the living room, under the table, on the couch and all over the floor.

After putting away all of Can toys to the side inside a box full of toys, he then headed to the center table where Can's coloring books and colors were scattered messily, he smiled as he saw the colored pages and began collecting them putting it inside his son's cute backpack not forgetting to check if his son made his assignments, when he was done he then walked to the sink to wash the dishes from last night, since he was too tired he forgot to wash them after eating.

He looked at the clock on the wall when he finished washing the dishes and saw that it was already pass seven and hurriedly made his way to Can's room.

It was time to wake Can up, he was feeling a bit guilty to wake the sleeping figure infront of him but he had no other choice, he started to poke his son's cheeks, "Cantaloupe.."

Can frowned and pouted, annoyed from being interrupted in a peaceful sleep. But Vee was persistent and kept on poking until Can whined still with his eyes close.

"You'll be late for school, come on wake up na,"

But to no avail, his son has still had his cute little eyes closed but Vee knew that he was already awake.

He stood straight up, stretching both arms and without a doubt lifted his son who has still both eyes clothes, with all his strength he carried his son to his son's bathroom setting him up in the bath tub.

The Broken Promise | VeeMarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz