Chapter 26

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"It was our 3rd anniversarry that day, I prepared a surprise for him at his dorm." Title kept his eyes on the view infront of him while he recall the happenings that day.

"I was so excited, I waited for him to come back.. but it was already 9 pm but he still wasnt home, so I tried to look for him, I tried calling him a couple of times but he didnt pick up.." Mark stared at Title's hands as it tremble, he sigh as he held it tigtly.

Title choked back his tears, "I was so worried, I looked for him everywhere but..." Mark's heart ached as Title cant hold it anymore and slowly breaks up, tears started to flow from his eyes again.

"..I called his friends and they told me that he already left but he wasnt alone, one of his classmates offered to take him home, I can remember how anxious I was that time as I drive my way back to his dorm.." Mark held his hand tighter to make Title feel that he was with him, that he was listening to everything that he wanted to say.

"I didnt know why I was so nervous as I took small amd heavy steps to his room and I-I..." Title choked as he tried to speak in between his sobs, Mark was worried as he rubbed his back, he can feel tears started to well up his eyes.

"..and I saw him k-kissing someone e-else.."

Mark's heart broke into pieces, those words felt like knives that struck his heart over and over again, he can feel how hurt he was, infront of him was a broken and lost boy who had been trying to make himself better up to now, he had been telling himself that he was okay but he wasnt.

Mark felt guilty after knowing what he had been through, he felt pity towards the older.

The words that he wanted to say was stuck on his throat, he wanted to ask if he was okay but it was already obvious that he wasnt so maybe he shouldn't. He sigh, all he could do now is to make the older feel that he wasnt alone, like how Title made him feel when he was the one who was in his position.

He thought that he was finished but suddenly Title raised his head as he gulped and looked straight into the sunset as he smiled sadly.

"He pushed him when he saw me.. I saw how shocked he was, I couldnt handle the pain so I ran... I ran away from them.." He wiped his tears but it kept on flowing in his eyes, it an unending tears like it has been stored for years.

"But I didnt know that he chased me, when we were already outside... I told him I was so tired and I dont know what to do anymore, I wanted all the pain to stop so I told him that I wanted space.."

"..I told him that I wanted to take a break, that I want to us to rest.. He didnt want to but I already made up my mind as I turn my back at him.. I didnt know what happened next I j-just.."

"..I heard him shout my name and a loud beep not far from where I was standing, It was too late when I realized that I was about to get hit by a car, I saw how the car got nearer but I couldnt move my body, it was as if I was paralyzed and then I saw him ran towards me and h-hugged me.."

Mark's tears started to ran down to his cheeks as he brought his hands to cup his mouth, he couldnt believe it..

"W-What?!" he stuttered

"I only had my left arm temporarily broken and casted and some other minor injuries but h-he.. he was comatosed and the doctor said that their might be a possibility that he'll suffer amnesia when he woke up.." Title said like lost child, Mark bite his lips to stop himself from sobbing as he wipe away his tears, he slowly pull Title to a hug.

"His parents.. They were all so mad at me, I cant blame them though it was all my fault afterall.. But when he woke up, he remembered everything and everyone.. We thought that he was fine but he cant remember m-me.."

"..l looked like a fool as I stood infront of him, I can still remember how he asked who I was infront of everyone with a dumbfounded expression.."

"Turned out he has Selective amnesia, He can still remember everything, his family, friends, childhood memories, even his classmates and the lessons at school except m-me.."

"Of all the things he couldve forget why does it have to be me? Of a-all people.."

Mark just rubbed the older's back as he hugged him tighter, he just let his tears fall from his eyes.

"I suffered depression for months, I stopped attending my gigs that they almost kicked me out of the band, they threaten me that they would actually do it and forced me to come but all I did at the pub was drink and drink until I was satisfied.."

"I was like that for months until I saw you.."


"Remember that night when we first met at the pub? That night, I decided to play again because I thought that it could somehow make me feel better.. it didnt, the heartbreak Ive been through made me lose interest in everything that I cant even feel my passion anymore for music, I became lifeless and everyday felt like a torture to me.." he said with a sad smile plastered on his face.

"..but then I saw you picking up a fight with some drunkards, I couldnt just let them beat the shit out of you so I helped you, remember how you even got mad at me for saving your ass?" Title said that made them somehow laugh as they reminisce that night.

"When I saw you, when I saw how sad your eyes looked I already knew that you were just like me, lost and broken, I saw myself in you.. and it somehow made me feel better,"


"Two lost and broken souls who found each other in midst of misery and loneliness.."


Title smiled sadly pulling from the hug, "I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"For not telling you sooner, I know that you were only waiting for me to open up but I got scared of what you might think and that it'll only burden you.."

"P' its fine.. besides Im kinda happy that you did, now I know Im not the only one who's suffering here," he half joked making both of them chuckle but it only lasted for seconds before the sad aura surrounds them both again.

They both sigh, "And for making you feel that I only wanted to be close to you to forget him, thats not my intention at all.."

"I mean, as you've said we were both lost souls who's yearning for temporary comforts, so you werent the only one P'.."

"But when I said I like you, I really do Mark, I really do..."

"I understand you P', I do too so I clearly know how you feel, dont worry its fine.."

"T-Thank you.."


(So how's Title's backstory so far? Hmm i wonder whats gonna happen to him and Earth now hahahahaha)

(just a short update before I watch gose ep ehehehe goodnight y'all, and yess we finally reached 20k reads asusbusnsisjs i cant believe it hahahaha thank you, I really appreciate y'all votes and comments, thankyouuuuu)

(edit: asgshshsus i just finished watching the gose ep, and I was fucking right the whole time about mingyu being the killer!! I just had to get this off my chest hahaha i am so overwhelmed atm, y'all dont know how shocked I was, i had goosebumps Asfavshsbjsnsks i was right, his mental illness wasnt identified on the first episode so I had theories of him having bipolar disorder and stuff, cant believe I was right!!)

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